13th September – EU Open Method of Coordination group – Climate change and cultural heritage – HS Academy

13th September – EU Open Method of Coordination group – Climate change and cultural heritage – HS Academy

Categoría: Noticias

IPERION HS and E-RIHS are organizing a series of webinars, a key source of state-of-the-art information on heritage science research, facilities, policy and impact. It contributes to developing a vibrant heritage science community and is intended for anyone involved in interdisciplinary heritage research.

This 13th September, 2022, at 15:00, Johanna Leissner will present the challenges of climate change and cultural heritage.​ Johanna Leissner will present the results of the European OMC (Open Method for Coordination) expert group on climate change and cultural heritage, focussing on the role of research as a necessary driver for implementation.

The key topics covered during the 45 minutes exposition will be the European strategies to face climate change in the field of cultural heritage,

  • Climate change and cultural heritage: the EU strategy
  • The work carried out by the European OMC expert group on climate change and cultural heritage

You would have a chance to make questions at the end of the presentation.

Johanna Leisner is a chemist, working for over 20 years in cultural heritage research with a focus on environmental pollution and climate change impacts on heritage. She is currently the coordinator of the German KERES project on the impacts of extreme climate events on built heritage and historic gardens and landscapes. She is the Chair of the EU OMC (Open Method for Coordination) expert group on Climate change and cultural heritage.

More information and registration here:

If you are interested in watching the video recordings of past webinars, you can visit http://www.iperionhs.eu/webinar-series/ or the E-RIHS Youtube channel.

Understanding laser interactions with materials in Heritage Science. HS Academy

HS Academy Webinar 01/2022: Understanding laser interactions with materials in Heritage Science

Fundamentals and novel methodologies for characterization and conservation

Marta Castillejo (IQFR) PTI-PAIS coordinator is inaugurating the HSAcademy webinars for 2022 organized by the HS Academy, a collaborative initiative between IPERION HS (www.iperionhs.eu) and E-RIHS (www.e-rihs.eu).

The two European projects integrate facilities of recognized excellence in Heritage Science, offering access to a wide range of high-level scientific instruments, methodologies, data, tools and training opportunities for advancing knowledge and innovation in the field.The series contributes to the development of a vibrant heritage science community and is intended for anyone involved in interdisciplinary heritage research

The next webinar will take place online on January 11 at 3pm.

This webinar will provide an overview of pioneering laser ablation studies, that constitute the basis for laser cleaning applications, and of the parallel development of analytical methods based on laser spectroscopy and imaging techniques that have been adequately refined and adapted to the needs of heritage materials. This webinar will include recent and innovative studies on laser interaction with materials in the field of Heritage Science and its application to real conservation problems.

We got a video introduction to it.

Registration and all the updated information here: https://www.iperionhs.eu/webinar-1-2022-registration/

7 December 2021. HS Academy Webinar: Archaeology and IPERION HS.

Categoría: Noticias

HS Academy webinar: Archaeology and IPERION HS

An overview of what IPERION HS can offer to the archaeology community.
HS Academy webinar registration and all the information available from IPERION HS

The webinar takes place online and will introduce participants to the facilities for archaeology in IPERION HS, a European project devoted to building a distributed research infrastructure in the field of Heritage Science: E-RIHS (http://www.e-rihs.eu/).

The webinar will introduce the archaeologists to IPERION-HS and the distributed heritage science infrastructure they can access to answer a wide range of research questions. It will include short presentations by different providers representing the different service platforms of IPERION-HS: FIXLAB, ARCHLAB and MOLAB.

  • Date: December 7, 2021, at 15:00.
  • Duration: 45 minutes.
  • Speakers:

Gill Campbell, UK – She leads a team of heritage scientists based at Fort Cumberland, Portsmouth, UK. Her research focuses on the utilization of plant resources in the past, the nature of biocultural heritage and the development and improvement of archaeological science practice.  She is chair of the Association for Environmental Archaeology (AEA).

Oliver Craig, UK – He is a Professor of Archaeological Science at the University of York. He specialises in biomolecular archaeology, i.e. the recovery of proteins, lipids and DNA from ancient skeletal remains and archaeological artefacts to provide insights into past human activities. His particular interests lie in temporal transitions and variability in human diets, cuisine and subsistence practices and the impact that dietary changes had on social evolution, health and the environment.

Canan Çakırlar, NL – She is an Assistant professor of zooarchaeology and the director of the zooarchaeology laboratory at the Groningen University Institute of Archaeology (Netherlands). Her research interests include the dispersal and development of husbandry technologies during neolithisations, coastal adaptations and management of aquatic resources, climatic fluctuations and societal change, provisioning of state-level societies, and human impact on Holocene zoogeography.

Giovanni Leucci, IT – After the Degree in Physics, he has achieved the title of PhD in Environmental Geophysics. Currently. He is a Research Director at the Institute of Heritage Sciences (ISPC-CNR). Leucci’s research interests include geophysics applied to archaeology, geology, engineering, environment and non-invasive diagnostics of monumental heritage.

Laurentiu Angheluta, RO – He is a Senior Researcher at NIRD for Optoelectronics INOE 2000 with a focus on close-range and aerial photogrammetry, 3D laser scanning, and X-Ray imaging as documentation and digitization methods for Cultural Heritage assets. Other complementary skills that contribute to these activities are photography, programming, web design, and database development.

9th ECTP Conference – 2-3 December: EU-Construction Industry at the heart of the Green and Digital Transitions

Paula Carmona (IQFR-PTI-PAIS) will be giving the lecture about IPERION HS, E-RIHS and PTI-PAIS, with the name «Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science (IPERION HS)»

The 9th ECTP Conference is organized by MWCC and PTEC on Thursday & Friday 2-3 December 2021 as a hybrid event, both with attendees onsite at the Palacio de Cibeles in Madrid and with an online broadcast.

Stakeholders from the whole construction value-chain and representatives of the European Commission will share their experience and outline how the EU Construction Industry is at the heart of the Built Environment green and digital transitions.

Here are some pictures of our member Paula Carmona (IQFR) presenting «Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science (IPERION HS)» the 2nd of December.


Registration form is available here.

The registration process is managed by the local organizers. For any questions, please send an email to ectpconference2021@plataformaptec.es
NB: Registrations for online attendance will open at the beginning of November.

Download the program here.

Objectives of the Conference:

  • Present the new Horizon Europe program from the perspective of the construction sector
  • Present the new Co-programmed Partnership Built4People
  • Present the new Strategic Research Agenda (SRIA) of the ECTP
  • Share vision with the organizations having endorsed the ECTP SRIA.

Structure around 4 topics:

  •  Urban environment and clean cities – Urban solutions
  •  Build with and for people
  • Prosperous constructive ecosystem
  • Digitalization.

Topics of the thematic parallel sessions:
  * Infrastructure & Mobility Committee: Current research examples and future trends outlook
* Transition from Energy Efficient Buildings to a Sustainable Built Environment
* Role of the Built Environment in promoting Health and Wellbeing
* Urban Scale Challenges in the Low Carbon Transition
* METABUILDING Platform as the backbone of the European Construction sector Innovation Ecosystem
* Opportunities for European Cultural Heritage in a post-pandemic era: research networks & infrastructures
* Role of Materials & Sustainability in Horizon Europe
* Circular economy in the Built Environment: present challenges and future vision
* Establishing the foundations for a European Construction digitalization
* Simulations across Building Lifecycle in BIM Digital Twin Environments (BDTEs)

The ECTP Conference is held in Palacio de Cibeles, Plaza  de  Cibeles  1,  28014  Madrid, Spain. You can also assist online. (https://www.centrocentro.org/en/centrocentro/spaces/auditorium).

Local Organizing Committee
Plataforma Tecnológica Española de la Construcción (PTEC)
Madrid World Capital of Engineering, Construction and Architecture (MWCC)

Registration and practical information: PTEC (ectpconference2021@plataformaptec.es)
Programme: ECTP (secretariat@ectp.org)

(LLHS) Transnational Access Provision to Research Infraestructures IPERION HS.

Transnational Access Provision by the Laser Laboratory for Heritage Science (LLHS). 25 – 29 Oct 2021.

From October 25 to October 29, we received Carla Machado, NOVA School of Science and Technology from the Conservation and Restoration Department and Vicarte Research Unit (Portugal), to provide her access to the facilities, laboratories and research expertise at the Institute of Physical Chemistry Rocasolano in Madrid. This was done via FIXLAB access to research infrastructures in the mainframe of the European Project IPERION HS.

In the framework of the study «Non-invasive characterisation of grisaille paints on stained-glass windows» there were analysed stained glass fragments and samples from different European contexts and centuries with LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy), LIF (Laser Induced Fluorescence) and Nonlinear Optical Microscopy (NLOM) in the modality of Multiphoton Excitation Fluorescence.

Some of the beautiful samples she brought to the laboratory.

These techniques and the scientific expertise provided by the Laser Laboratory of Heritage Science research group will allow to get information regarding the chemical composition and thickness of the grisaille paint layers in a non-destructive way, without sampling.

This access provision has been successfully provided thanks to IPERION HS. You can apply too free of charge. Next call is already open and you can apply until November 30th.

The catalogue includes access to several techniques and laboratories all over Europe in the field of Heritage Science through FIXLAB. Also there is access to mobile equipment and related competencies in MOLAB. Also access to organized scientific information in largely unpublished datasets from archives of prestigious European museums, galleries and research institutions is provided through ARCHLAB.

Or you can consult their expert desk at: userhelpdesk@iperionhs.eu

Photos provided by Laura Maestro.

HSAcademy “Palaeontology Research & IPERION HS” – November 9th, 2021.

Webinar #07: Palaeontology and IPERION HS

An overview of what IPERION HS can offer to the Palaeontology Community


IPERION HS and E-RIHS are organizing a series of webinars, a key source of state-of-the-art information on heritage science research, facilities, policy and impact. It contributes to developing a vibrant heritage science community and is intended for anyone involved in interdisciplinary heritage research.


How can #heritagescience research on Palaeontology benefit from IPERION HS services? How do we access IPERION HS techniques and archives for Palaeontology? What is needed to prepare a successful research proposal?


The webinar takes place online and will introduce participants to the field of Heritage Science facilities in IPERION HS, a European project devoted to building a distributed research infrastructure in the field of Heritage Science: E-RIHS (http://www.e-rihs.eu/).
The focus will be placed on what IPERION HS can offer to the Palaeontology community and how IPERION HS can answer to the heritage needs.

9th November 2021 at 3 pm (Rome time zone)
 add to calendar

You will learn

  • What IPERION HS can offer to the Palaeontology community
  • Which are the latest resources and technologies for Palaeontology

Key topics we’ll cover
Heritage Science

45 minutes (30 minutes + 15 minutes Q&A)

Marina Martínez de Pinillos González – 
she is graduated in Humanities (Historical Heritage) and obtained the International PhD in Human Evolution at University of Burgos. She has extensive experience in scientific-technical environments. She has worked as a scientific advisor for the collection display at the Museum of Human Evolution in Burgos and as a collection technician for the Laboratory of Human Evolution at University of Burgos and for the Altamira National Museum and Research Centre, also participating in the preparation of The Times of Altamira project. She is currently working as a project manager of the ARIADNEplus (Advanced Research Infrastructure for Archaeological Dataset Networking in Europe) e IPERION HS (Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science), giving support to scientific-technical, logistical and dissemination tasks of these two European projects.

Belén Notario – She has a university degree in Physics, and a PhD in Physics, in the materials science branch (University of Valladolid, Spain). Since 2016, she is the technician in charge of the Microscopy and Microcomputed Tomography Lab at the National Research Center of Human Evolution in Burgos (Spain). Since then, she has been in charge of the direction of the laboratory and its proper functioning. In it, samples that cover different branches of science are analyzed and studied: from paleoanthropology and geology, to materials science, medicine and biology, among others.

Joaquín Arroyo-Cabrales– He is Head at the Archaeozoology Lab, National Institute of Anthropology and History.  His research focuses on Late Quaternary vertebrates and their contribution to understanding the paleoenvironments in which humans survived; in doing so, he has undertaken studies on taxonomy, biogeography, taphonomy, and paleoecology mostly on Mexican Pleistocene mammals.

Future webinars
Read the IPHS full programme

If you miss it, you would have the opportunity to access the recordings on

Information taken directly from https://www.iperionhs.eu/



IPERION 6th Webinar – «Arts and Humanities and IPERION HS»

An overview of what IPERION HS can offer to the Arts & Humanities Community

IPERION HS and E-RIHS are organizing a series of webinars, a key source of state-of-the-art information on heritage science research, facilities, policy and impact. It contributes to developing a vibrant heritage science community and is intended for anyone involved in interdisciplinary heritage research.

How can heritage science research on Arts and Humanities benefit from IPERION HS services? How do we access IPERION HS techniques and archives for Arts and Humanities? What is needed to prepare a successful research proposal?

Join webinar #6, “Arts and Humanities & IPERION HS services”, on October, 12nd 2021, at 3.00 pm CEST: http://www.iperionhs.eu/webinar-6-registration/ 


You will come away with a clear understanding of how useful the IPERION HS services are for Heritage Scientists working in the Arts and Humanities research and conservation and how to access IPERION HS facilities.
More information and registration here:

What IPERION HS can offer to the Arts & Humanities Community
The webinar online will introduce participants to the field of Heritage Science facilities in IPERION HS, a European project devoted to building a distributed research infrastructure in the field of Heritage Science: E-RIHS
The focus will be placed on what IPERION HS can offer to the Arts & Humanities community and how IPERION HS can answer to the heritage needs.

Date: 12th October 2021 at 3 pm CEST

You will learn:

  • What IPERION HS can offer to the Arts and Humanities community
  • Which are the latest resources and technologies for Arts and Humanities

45 minutes (30 minutes + 15 minutes Q&A)

All the information here.

Cuestionario Iperion HS sobre intereses y necesidades de investigación en Ciencia del Patrimonio.

Desde el proyecto europeo Iperion HS en el que participamos, dentro del grupo de trabajo en Innovación y explotación, se ha preparado esta encuenta que pretende sondear los intereses y necesidades de investigación en el campo de la Ciencia del Patrimonio.

El cuestionario está dirigido a profesionales en el amplio ámbito del patrimonio cultural con implicación en la investigación, o que desean participar en la investigación sobre el patrimonio. Incluyen una amplia gama de expertos: conservadores, restauradores, arqueólogos, arquitectos, historiadores del arte, etnólogos, paleoantropólogos, conservadores, químicos, biólogos, geólogos, ingenieros…

Con este cuestionario también se quiere evaluar el uso y acceso actual y pasado a infraestructuras o centros de investigación, como el acceso transnacional de Iperion.

La encuesta se puede encontrar aquí y puede tomar hasta 20 minutos de tiempo completarla:

La encuesta estará abierta hasta el 30 de septiembre. 20 de octubre

Os agradecemos vuestra participación si os encontráis entre los perfiles de la encuesta.

Si no conocéis IPERION HS ni la Infraestructura Europea para la Investigación en Ciencia del Patrimonio (E-RIHS), aquí tenéis un video que explica que es, que ofrece y como formar parte.


Espectroscopía de ruptura inducida por láser (LIBS) en el Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España (IPCE)

Investigadores del Instituto de Química Física Rocasolano del CSIC (IQFR – CSIC) y del Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España (IPCE) están colaborando en el análisis de una selección de monedas provenientes del pecio de Nuestra Señora de Las Mercedes y de piezas metálicas de El Tesoro de la Guerra Civil. El estudio está enmarcado en los proyectos SCOCHLAS Estudio y conservación del patrimonio cultural con láseres/Study and Conservation of Cultural Heritage with Lasers. (PID2019-104124RB-100) e IPERION HS (Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science). H2020-INFRAIA-2019-1, y refleja también las colaboraciones establecidas dentro de la PTI-PAIS.

Para su desarrollo, los miembros del Laboratorio Láser de Ciencia del Patrimonio del IQFR – CSIC han trasladado sus equipos a las instalaciones del IPCE para habilitar un laboratorio móvil. El objetivo del trabajo es la asignación de los elementos traza presentes en los metales de las monedas con el fin de identificar diferencias composicionales entre las distintas procedencias. Para ello, se ha utilizado la espectroscopía de ruptura inducida por láser (LIBS), una técnica que permite el reconocimiento de los elementos traza a partir de su composición elemental. Asimismo, los datos extraídos mediante LIBS de elementos mayoritarios y minoritarios serán comparados con datos existentes en el IPCE de análisis anteriores realizados en trabajos de restauración-conservación de los bienes.

[1st June, 3 p.m.] Remember the IPERION HS webinar on Mobile Laboratory [MOLAB]

Remeber the IPERION HS webinar on MOLAB: https://pti-pais.csic.es/1st-june-iperion-webinar-03-molab-mobile-laboratory-islamic-manuscripts/


The webinar takes place online and will introduce participants to the MOLAB platform.

Registration: http://www.iperionhs.eu/webinar-3-registration/

The MOLAB (MObile LABoratory) is the IPERION HS platform that provides access for the Heritage Science (HS) community to key mobile laboratories and to the associated scientific expertise. It is composed of a set of mobile equipment and related competencies, for in-situ non-destructive measurements of artworks, collections, monuments, and sites made available for access through IPERION-HS. The value of MOLAB is twofold: first, the possibility of applying a multi-technique integrated approach that overcomes the intrinsic limitation of individual methods; second, the ability to analyse heritage objects without the need to move them. MOLAB started in 2004 with only two providers and now features 17 facilities across 10 countries offering access to 48 different instruments. The new MOLAB platform within IPERIONHS includes mobile laboratories with competencies in-ground and aerial remote sensing as a key to enable interdisciplinary research in new fields and application scenarios.

Kristine Rose-Beers, Head of Conservation at the Chester Beatty in Dublin (Ireland) will talk about “Manuscript materiality and MOLAB: investigating the Islamic book at the Chester Beatty”. The presentation will offer a user’s perspective on working with the IPERION HS MOLAB team at the Chester Beatty in Dublin. Two projects have used the portable and non-invasive analytical techniques provided by MOLAB to investigate the materials of Qur’an manuscripts and advance understanding of Islamic manuscript material. Both projects were driven by the conservation team, and have required multidisciplinary collaboration including conservators, historians, and scientists. The results from these projects have added considerable new information to our understanding of these manuscripts: in particular, Islamic manuscript materiality in the early 8th century and the palette of a mid-16th century Qur’an from Shiraz. David Buti, responsible for MOLAB Helpdesk at CNR (Italy), will present “MOLAB: Bringing science to heritage objects of research“. His presentation will give an overview of the MOLAB history and the current offer of services; it will also focus on the lifecycle of MOLAB proposals and projects, from the user support to the physical access.

1st June 2021 at 3 pm CEST

You will learn

  • What MOLAB is
  • How to access MOLAB
  • How MOLAB can improve your research

Key topics we’ll cover
Heritage Science and Mobile Laboratories

1 hour (40 minutes + 20 minutes Q&A)


Kristine Rose-Beers
Kristine Rose-Beers ACR is Head of Conservation at the Chester Beatty Library and an accredited member of the Institute of Conservation. She specialises in the conservation of Islamic manuscript material, with a particular interest in the importance of materiality and codicology to contemporary conservation solutions.
Kristine graduated from Camberwell College of Arts in 2002 and has worked at Cambridge University Library, the Chester Beatty, and as Assistant Keeper (Manuscripts and Printed Books) at the Fitzwilliam Museum, before returning to Dublin in 2015. Kristine has taught and lectured internationally and is a member of The Islamic Manuscript Association and the Kairouan Manuscript Project.

David Buti.
David Buti is a researcher fellow at the Institute of Heritage Science (ISPC) of the Italian National Research Council, Italy. He oversees the User Helpdesk of the Transnational Access Activities of IPERION-HS and he is access manager of the MOLAB platform within the Italian node of ERIHS. He obtained a PhD in Conservation Science at the University of Florence, in collaboration with the CNR-ISTM and the Centre SMAArt. His PhD research focused on the investigation of Mesoamerican manuscripts and their constituent materials. After his PhD, he got a six-year position as a conservation scientist at the National Gallery of Denmark – Center for Art Technological Studies and Conservation (CATS) expanding his competencies and investigating several kinds of artworks – from old masters to contemporary art – characterizing artist materials, understanding degradation processes and assisting conservators and art historians.

More information & registration: http://www.iperionhs.eu/webinar-3-registration/ 

1st June – IPERION Webinar #03 – MOLAB: (MObile LABoratory) & Islamic Manuscripts