9th ECTP Conference – 2-3 December: EU-Construction Industry at the heart of the Green and Digital Transitions

9th ECTP Conference – 2-3 December: EU-Construction Industry at the heart of the Green and Digital Transitions

Paula Carmona (IQFR-PTI-PAIS) will be giving the lecture about IPERION HS, E-RIHS and PTI-PAIS, with the name «Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science (IPERION HS)»

The 9th ECTP Conference is organized by MWCC and PTEC on Thursday & Friday 2-3 December 2021 as a hybrid event, both with attendees onsite at the Palacio de Cibeles in Madrid and with an online broadcast.

Stakeholders from the whole construction value-chain and representatives of the European Commission will share their experience and outline how the EU Construction Industry is at the heart of the Built Environment green and digital transitions.

Here are some pictures of our member Paula Carmona (IQFR) presenting «Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science (IPERION HS)» the 2nd of December.


Registration form is available here.

The registration process is managed by the local organizers. For any questions, please send an email to ectpconference2021@plataformaptec.es
NB: Registrations for online attendance will open at the beginning of November.

Download the program here.

Objectives of the Conference:

  • Present the new Horizon Europe program from the perspective of the construction sector
  • Present the new Co-programmed Partnership Built4People
  • Present the new Strategic Research Agenda (SRIA) of the ECTP
  • Share vision with the organizations having endorsed the ECTP SRIA.

Structure around 4 topics:

  •  Urban environment and clean cities – Urban solutions
  •  Build with and for people
  • Prosperous constructive ecosystem
  • Digitalization.

Topics of the thematic parallel sessions:
  * Infrastructure & Mobility Committee: Current research examples and future trends outlook
* Transition from Energy Efficient Buildings to a Sustainable Built Environment
* Role of the Built Environment in promoting Health and Wellbeing
* Urban Scale Challenges in the Low Carbon Transition
* METABUILDING Platform as the backbone of the European Construction sector Innovation Ecosystem
* Opportunities for European Cultural Heritage in a post-pandemic era: research networks & infrastructures
* Role of Materials & Sustainability in Horizon Europe
* Circular economy in the Built Environment: present challenges and future vision
* Establishing the foundations for a European Construction digitalization
* Simulations across Building Lifecycle in BIM Digital Twin Environments (BDTEs)

The ECTP Conference is held in Palacio de Cibeles, Plaza  de  Cibeles  1,  28014  Madrid, Spain. You can also assist online. (https://www.centrocentro.org/en/centrocentro/spaces/auditorium).

Local Organizing Committee
Plataforma Tecnológica Española de la Construcción (PTEC)
Madrid World Capital of Engineering, Construction and Architecture (MWCC)

Registration and practical information: PTEC (ectpconference2021@plataformaptec.es)
Programme: ECTP (secretariat@ectp.org)