Another Call for Papers with free submission for Special Issue of Heritage – «New Advances in Stained Glass Research: Materials, Production Techniques and Conservation».

Another Call for Papers with free submission for Special Issue of Heritage – «New Advances in Stained Glass Research: Materials, Production Techniques and Conservation».

This is a different call for papers than this one from Heritage (MDPI).
Open Access and Free of Charge on Special Issue «New Advances in Stained Glass Research: Materials, Production Techniques and Conservation».

The editors of Heritage have decided to waive the fee for all papers submitted from 1st June to 31st August 2021 a good chance to contribute a paper to the Special Issue «New Advances in Stained Glass Research: Materials, Production Techniques and Conservation»

The history of stained glass has fascinated researchers since the 19th century. Over the past two or three decades there has been a remarkable increase of research into stained glass. Developments in the field of non-destructive analysis and the use of interdisciplinary approaches have opened up new perspectives, and research continues to offer new insights into the materials and techniques used in stained glass production and to provide information about the creative process, traditions, the connections between artists and workshops from divers art fields and, not at least, about the deterioration and the conservation of these fragile artworks.

Open-access databases and modern digital technologies promote scientific exchange between research communities as well as among an interested public. Heritage, an international peer-reviewed open-access journal of cultural and natural heritage science published quarterly by MDPI, has therefore launched a call for papers for a special issue dedicated to the latest results in the field of stained glass research.

Contributions on the following themes are welcome:
– Technical aspects of the production of stained glass.
– The degradation of stained glass.
– Stained glass conservation.
– The importance of databases in the field of stained glass research.

We invite you to submit original research papers and articles that provide an up-to-date critical overview of research in one of the aforementioned fields. Please feel free to forward this call for papers to your colleagues and students.

We look forward to receiving your contribution!

From the editors:

Dr. Marcia Vilarigues.
Dr. Sophie Wolf.
Dr. Teresa Palomar.

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 December 2021.

Information extracted from here:

Call for Papers for Special Issue of Heritage – “Study and Characterization of Paintings: Materials, Artistic Techniques, and Conservation”

Open Access and Free of Charge on Special Issue «Study and Characterization of Paintings: Materials, Artistic Techniques, and Conservation».


The editors of Heritage have decided to waive the fee for all papers submitted from 1st June to 31st August 2021 a good chance to contribute a paper to the Special Issue “Study and Characterization of Paintings: Materials, Artistic Techniques, and Conservation”.

This Special Issue aims to show a wide selection of contributions in the study of paintings as well as recent points of view to promote a greater understanding of the inherent complexity of paintings and stimulate innovative questions and discussions on this topic.

Multidisciplinary collaborative studies and review manuscripts are welcome. This includes different approaches to studying painting across a different combinations of artistic techniques, restoration practices, and material characterization, including both case studies and mock-ups. Also manuscripts on the following selected topics are welcomed:

  • The characterization, degradation, and restoration of painting supports such as wood, canvas, paper, parchment, plaster, and pottery.
  • The stratigraphy of painted artworks, artistic techniques, and restoration issues, and new techniques of analysis.
  • Degradation processes and the conservation of natural and synthetic organic binders, and their interaction with pigment particles.
  • Restoration issues, including varnishing and cleaning practices in paintings. Additionally, the history of, experimentation with, and evaluation of restoration products, as well as new perspectives of study.
  • Study of moisture and temperature in indoor and semiconfined environments for the collection care of paintings.
  • Ancient recipes and restoration practices and their impact on painting conservation.
  • Art history and materials science in studying the style and masterpieces of artists, artistic currents, and movements.

From Guest Editors:

Dr. Valeria Di Tullio
Dr. Brenda Doherty


Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 December 2021.

Information extracted from here: 

Call for abstracts for Young Professionals Forum on the 1-2 July.

The Young Professionals Forum proposes a new moment of sharing and exchange, to stimulate synergies among professionals at the international level.

Organized by the Centro Conservazione e Restauro “La Venaria Reale” (CCR), the Young Professionals Forum is once again a digital event designed to create new synergies, share research, experiences and ideas, and meet with leading international specialists in the field of cultural heritage conservation. This year, it will take place on 1-2 July and will involve international young professionals working in the field of conservation, art history and diagnostics applied to cultural heritage. The Forum will consist of two intense days of presentations organised in 4 sessions, each one dedicated to a crucial topic for the conservation and transmission of cultural heritage.

The call for abstracts

The different sessions, organised in collaboration with internationally renowned research institutions (IIC, CNR ISPC, ICOM, ICCROM and UniTo), will host a series of papers selected through the call for abstracts. The selected candidates will have the opportunity to present their contribution and publish it in the Forum Proceedings. 

There will also be a winner among the candidates who will have the opportunity to gain professional experience at the CCR.
The deadline for the call for abstracts is May  9, 2021.


To join the Forum, submit an abstract (consisting of no more than 700 words and 4 pictures – max 200 dpi) of your paper via Google Forms.

Registration for participation in the event is open

All information can also be found on the web page dedicated to the Forum on the CCR website:

Registration fees to the event:
• Early-bird (from 15thApril 2021 to 9th May 2021), students, participants to the call for abstracts and ICOM members: 35 euros.
• Full price: 50 euros.
Participation in the call for abstracts is free of charge.


The Young Professionals Community

Another important initiative that started in February is the Young Professionals Community. A very wide network of young professionals in the field of Cultural Heritage gathered around the Forum and, eager to enhance this valuable resource, the CCR decided to create a digital hub (closed group LinkedIn) where all the participants in the Forum can get to know each other and exchange ideas and perspectives. There will also be a series of training and deepening moments created ad hoc for community members.

To join the community follow the instructions here:

Text extracted from: IPERION

16th March, 2021 – JPI on Cultural Heritage launches his new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA)

JPI on Cultural Heritage has released his new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) and it would be presented in a virtual event – Kickoff & Networking Session with the presence of speakers from the European Comission and University College London.

This virtual event will be held the 16th March, 2021, the Kickoff and Networking even will begin at 10:00. To take part go to the next link and fullfill the contact form:

SRIA 2020 Virtual Launch

10 years after his first agenda, the SRIA shows the changes that have occured in the cultural heritage field. With SRIA 2020, the JPI CH will continue to provide future- orientated added value, and to protect and strengthen Europe’s cultural heritage through research and innovation in order to meet societal challenges and contribute to sustainable development.

You can obtain the agenda here:

The four Priority Areas stablished in this Agenda are:

  1. A reflective heritage for a resilient society: – This Priority Area focuses on cultural heritage as an empowering force and a collective good for society
  2. Sutainable management of cultural heritage. – This Priority Area focuses on participatory governance, the added value of cultural heritage and emerging technologies 
  3. Cultural heritage in a changing context. – This Priority Area focuses on urban and rural development, globalisation, demographic change and tourism and will explore both the positive and the negative implications for cultural heritage
  4. Cultural heritage facing climate change and environmental change. This Priority Area focuses on the impact of climate and environmental changes on cultural and natural heritage and how cultural and natural heritage could be as resource for Sustainable Development.

You can explore the themes included in these Priority Areas on the document. I hope it is of your interest. We left you with some words on cultural science from Pascal Liévaux, Chair of the JPI CH.

«The JPI CH has been a driving force in the creation of a new feld of study: heritage science. Heritage science is a very broad and totally transdisciplinary feld that brings together the wide range of sciences (social, experimental, engineering, digital, humanities) that participate in and enable the identifcation, understanding, conservation, restoration and transmission of heritage, be it cultural, tangible, intangible, digital or natural. It consists of a highly collaborative ecosystem of researchers, heritage professionals, non-governmental organisations and associations that transcends national visions and interests, whilst falling within the scope of Europe’s open science policy.(…)»   PASCAL LIÉVAUX – Chair of the JPI Cultural Heritage


Heritage and Waste: Values, Circular Economy and Deconstruction, 16 Oct 12pm – 1:30pm EDT

NSERC CREATE Heritage Engineering organizes the webinar Heritage and Waste: Values, Circular Economy and Deconstruction.

Three speakers will consider how heritage and conservation can address the issue of waste in building materials, with reference to dynamic heritage values, principles of the Circular Economy, and practices of deconstruction for reuse.


  • Building Conservation and the Circular Economy, Satu Huuhka, Senior Research Fellow/Adjunct Professor in the School of Architecture, Tampere University, Finland;
  • Waste and New Heritage Values, Susan Ross, OAQ, FAPT, Associate Professor, Carleton University, Canada
  • Deconstructing Heritage, Tina McCarthy, MDS, Preservation Planner, Town of Brookline, Massachusetts, USA
  • Dr. Ona Vileikis, editor of the Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, will make an announcement about the special issue on Heritage and Waste


Further information

Cities, Climate and Culture: The Urban Research Agenda in the Upcoming IPCC Co-Sponsored Expert Meeting on Culture, Heritage and Climate Change, 13rd Oct 14:00 – 15:30 UTC+2

In the summer of 2020, the IPCC Executive Committee endorsed a proposal for a co-sponsored International Expert Meeting on Culture, Heritage and Climate Change to be organized by UNESCO and ICOMOS, with IUCN and ICLEI among the key partners to be held in 2021.

One of the specific aims of the Meeting is to take stock of methods and gaps in translating knowledge from and about culture and heritage for climate science and policy, with the goal of stimulating new approaches and literature that will support the AR7 and the forthcoming special report Cities and Climate Change.

The Scientific Steering Committee for this Meeting is being convened in September. This event will be the first opportunity to present in detail the scientific questions and timeline for this meeting with an emphasis on the intersection between these and the IPCC Cities Research Agenda.

Further information


Conference «Critical heritage studies and the future of Europe», 15-16th October 2020 (on-line)

The international conference “Critical heritage studies and the future of Europe” will mark the CHEurope project’s conclusion and allow the presentation to the wider scientific community of the results obtained during more than 4 years of collaborative research.

The 15 Early Stage Researchers funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network, the members of the academic staffs having supervised the training and research activities, as well as various highly renowned international keynote speakers will offer a renewed vision of the place that cultural heritage occupies in our societies and the role it can play in its future developments. A perspective whose topicality has suddenly and dramatically been highlighted by the Covid-19 pandemic. From migrations to climate change, from the heritagization of the urban to digitality as a vector of communication and transmission of cultural heritage, and from the use of heritage as a therapy for improving psychological resilience and well-being to the interconnections between heritage, citizenship, policy, participation, politics and economy, the conference’s program explores the multiple ontologies through which cultural heritage redraws the future of Europe and the world.

The conference will take place during 2 days, on the 15th and 16th October 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the consequent funding and travel restrictions, it has been decided to hold the conference as a fully online Zoom webinar, freely accessible within the limits of available accounts.

Registration link for the participants:

Provisional conference program

Impact Assessment for World Heritage I- what are the main things you need to know, 16 July 2020, 12:00 PM (Rome, Italy)

Impact assessment is an approach and methodology that can promote better evidence-based decision-making in advance of planning for change at or near World Heritage properties.

The three Advisory Bodies (ICCROM, ICOMOS and IUCN) have been collaborating, in partnership with the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and the International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA), on the elaboration of a new joint World Heritage Impact Assessment (WHIA) Guidance document within the framework of the ICCROM-IUCN World Heritage Leadership Programme.

The objective is to develop an impact assessment guidance for World Heritage properties, using a framework that can be applied to both natural and cultural properties and to small or large-scale projects, either within broader environmental impact assessments (EIA), or used stand-alone.

The session will explain the basics of what an Impact Assessment is, and how it is connected to the conservation and protection measures needed for World Heritage properties. This is part 1 of a 2-part session on World Heritage Impact Assessment.


  • Eugene Jo, World Heritage Leadership Programme Manager, ICCROM
  • Sarah Court, ICCROM Focal Point on World Heritage Impact Assessment
  • Mizuki Murai, World Heritage Conservation Officer, IUCN
  • Richard Mackay, ICOMOS Focal Point on World Heritage Impact Assessment

Further information

Link to Webinar


Online seminar: Heritage and Sustainability in Post COVID-19 World – Building Back Better, 2nd July 14:00-15:00 (Rome, Italy)

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to confront critical questions and decisions concerning our future and the role of cultural heritage in it. Looking ahead, the post COVID-19 phase provides an opportunity to ‘build back better’ by rethinking and further strengthening the role of heritage in sustainable development, in line with the UN 2030 agenda. Nevertheless, this will require the heritage sector to reconsider its position and proactively take concrete steps to advance social, environmental, and economic sustainability. The webinar will address this issue, with particular focus on museums and their collections.


  • Viviane GOSSELIN, PhD, Director of Collections and Exhibitions at the Museum of Vancouver, Canada. Member of the Advisory Group for the Coalition of Museums for Climate Justice.
  • Sophia LABADI, PhD, Professor of Heritage, University of Kent, UK.
  • Abubakar SULE SANI, PhD, Senior Lecturer, Department of Archaeology, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria – Nigeria.
  • Errol VAN DE WERDT, drs/MA, Director, TextielMuseum, Tilburg – The Netherlands.
  • José Luiz Pedersoli Jr., ICCROM

Date: 02/07/2020
Time: 14:00 – 15:00 (Rome, Italy)
Location: Online

Link to webinar:


Special Issue of Heritage «Effects of Salts on the Conservation of Cultural Heritage: Decay and Measures», deadline 30th June 2021

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to submit your work to this Special Issue of Heritage focused on “Effects of salts on the conservation of Cultural Heritage: decay and measures”. Salt weathering is considered as one of the most frequent and serious problem that affects porous materials used on Cultural Heritage. The damage caused by the presence of soluble salts can endanger, in the case of cultural heritage, the historic-artistic value of the property, since it is a non-renewable resource with unique and irreplaceable value or even put its perpetuation at risk, due to the development in the worse scenarios of structural problems. For this reason, achieve a deep knowledge about the causes that favor the damage caused by this agent, and also knowing and understanding the physical operation and the efficacy of the different techniques that are currently available for salts removal or for minimizing their impact, are both crucial aspects to achieve an effective protection.

According to the above considerations, this Special Issue is based on reviews and researches focused on analysing the different aspects related to the damage that this agent can cause when crystallizing in a material and the strategies or techniques that can reduce or remove their damage. In particular, this Issue covers the following topics of interest:

  • Source of salts.
  • Transport phenomena in porous media.
  • Crystallization pressure in the built environment.
  • Environmental conditions that promote the phase change of salts.
  • Influence of previous surface treatments (for example: consolidation) on the degree of damage caused by salts.
  • Improvements in protocols and procedures of current treatments.
  • New sustainable desalination strategies or techniques.
  • Non-invasive analytical techniques to monitor salt weathering.
  • Case studies dealing with salt weathering and/or their treatment.

This special issue will also be open to other topics, which have not been recorded in the previous points specifically, but are related to the main topic of this issue (salt weathering).

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 30 June 2021.

Further information


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