Another Call for Papers with free submission for Special Issue of Heritage – «New Advances in Stained Glass Research: Materials, Production Techniques and Conservation».

Another Call for Papers with free submission for Special Issue of Heritage – «New Advances in Stained Glass Research: Materials, Production Techniques and Conservation».

This is a different call for papers than this one from Heritage (MDPI).
Open Access and Free of Charge on Special Issue «New Advances in Stained Glass Research: Materials, Production Techniques and Conservation».

The editors of Heritage have decided to waive the fee for all papers submitted from 1st June to 31st August 2021 a good chance to contribute a paper to the Special Issue «New Advances in Stained Glass Research: Materials, Production Techniques and Conservation»

The history of stained glass has fascinated researchers since the 19th century. Over the past two or three decades there has been a remarkable increase of research into stained glass. Developments in the field of non-destructive analysis and the use of interdisciplinary approaches have opened up new perspectives, and research continues to offer new insights into the materials and techniques used in stained glass production and to provide information about the creative process, traditions, the connections between artists and workshops from divers art fields and, not at least, about the deterioration and the conservation of these fragile artworks.

Open-access databases and modern digital technologies promote scientific exchange between research communities as well as among an interested public. Heritage, an international peer-reviewed open-access journal of cultural and natural heritage science published quarterly by MDPI, has therefore launched a call for papers for a special issue dedicated to the latest results in the field of stained glass research.

Contributions on the following themes are welcome:
– Technical aspects of the production of stained glass.
– The degradation of stained glass.
– Stained glass conservation.
– The importance of databases in the field of stained glass research.

We invite you to submit original research papers and articles that provide an up-to-date critical overview of research in one of the aforementioned fields. Please feel free to forward this call for papers to your colleagues and students.

We look forward to receiving your contribution!

From the editors:

Dr. Marcia Vilarigues.
Dr. Sophie Wolf.
Dr. Teresa Palomar.

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 December 2021.

Information extracted from here:

Call for Papers: 1st Sci-K International Workshop, deadline 25th January 2021

Sci-K – the 1st International Workshop on Scientific Knowledge Representation, Discovery, and Assessment in conjunction with The Web Conference (WWW) will be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia in April 19-23, 2021.

The call for papers has been published with a submission deadline of January 25, 2021.

Sci-K is calling for high-quality submissions around the three main themes of research related to scientific knowledge: representation, discoverability, and assessment. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

a) Representation

  • Data models for the description of scholarly data and their relationships.
  • Description and use of provenance information of scientific data.
  • Integration and interoperability models of different data sources.

b) Discoverability

  • Methods for extracting metadata, entities and relationships from scientific data.
  • Methods for the (semi-)automatic annotation and enhancement of scientific data.
  • Methods and interfaces for the exploration, retrieval, and visualisation of scholarly data.

c) Assessment

  • Novel methods, indicators, and metrics for quality and impact assessment of scientific publications, datasets, software, and other relevant entities based on scholarly data.
  • Uses of scientific knowledge graphs and citation networks for the facilitation of research assessment.
  • Studies regarding the characteristics or the evolution of scientific impact or merit.

Further information

Call for abstracts SPIE Optical Metrology in Munich, deadline 6th January 2021

SPIE Optical Metrology focuses on the latest optics and laser applications in optical metrology, multimodal sensing, artificial intelligence, and machine vision with applications for solving measurement, modeling, and inspection problems in industrial design and production engineering, vehicle navigation, multimedia technology, biotechnology, architecture, archaeology, and arts.

Take this opportunity to share your research at SPIE Optical Metrology 2021. Come to Munich to meet with users and researchers to discuss the latest inventions and applications in the field of optical metrology. The symposium will highlight new optical principles and systems for metrology, multimodal sensing, and machine vision with applications in industrial design, production engineering, process monitoring, maintenance support, biotechnology, vehicle navigation, multimedia technology, architecture, archaeology, and arts. Special emphasis is directed to model-based, remote and active approaches, sensor fusion, robot guidance, image
sequence processing and scene modelling, and biomaterials characterization, as well as to the preservation of our shared cultural heritage.
We invite engineers, scientists, researchers, trustees, and managers to attend this year’s meeting.

Co-located with Laser 2021 in Munich, Germany, this symposium will address the role of optics and lasers in the following areas:
• Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection
• Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology
• Optical Methods for Inspection, Characterization and Imaging of Biomaterials
• Multimodal Sensing: Technologies and Applications
• Automated Visual Inspection and Machine Vision
• Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology

Further information