7-10 November Cultural Heritage (CH): conservation and diagnostics session at the 26th AIV Conference

7-10 November Cultural Heritage (CH): conservation and diagnostics session at the 26th AIV Conference

The AIV XXVI Conference will be held the November 7 – 10, 2023 in Rome, Italy.

This conference approaches the issues associated with materials and processing, in the research and manufacturing communities. The four-day Conference promotes a multidisciplinary environment to encourage a cross fertilization between attendees on emerging technologies.

The Associazione Italiana di Scienza & Tecnologia will held this Conferece with a special session dedicated to heritage science: Cultural Heritage: Conservation and diagnostics.

Abstract submission and early bird fee still open (until 15th September) – https://www.aiv.it/en/aiv-xxvi-conference

LANAMAP and LLHS (Laser Laboratory for Heritage Science) group leader of PTI-PAIS, Dr. Marta Castillejo (IQF-CSIC) will present there «Nonlinear optical microscopy: a non-destructive tool for characterization of Cultural heritage materials»

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1-2 December 2022 – XXII Chemical analysis in heritage conservation

AChwOZ’XXII – Analiza chemiczna w ochronie zabytków or «Chemical analysis in heritage conservation» is the polish national conference on the research of heritage conservation.

Coordinator of PTI-PAIS, Marta Castillejo, (Instituto de Química Física Rocasolano, CSIC) has been invited to give the conference opening lecture.

It will take place the 1st of december at 16:10 in the Chemical Sciences Center of the University of Warsaw. It will be given in english with the title:

  • “Nonlinear optical microscopy for characterization of cultural heritage materials»
    Prof. Marta Castillejo, Instituto de Química Física Rocasolano, CSIC, Madrid (Spain).

Several topics on heritage conservation will be covered. Check the complete program here (polish).



Participation in LACONA XIII – Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks. Florence (Italy) September 12-16 2022

LACONA XIII – Lasers in Conservation of Artworks.

PTI-PAIS has colaborated with LACONA XIII and will be represented in Florence by various members and associates of our platform.

Here you can download the program

Some of our members presentations:

Session 1: Laser Treatments of Metal Artefacts
Ruth Lahoz – Innovative procedure for assessing laser interaction mechanisms on copper alloys and its validation on archaeological corrosion products

Poster Pitch 3: Inmaculada Donate – Advances in Photonic Diagnostics

Session 4: Advances in Compositional Photonic Diagnostics
Paula Carmona – Development of new SERS sensors based on the laser irradiation of the major hydration product of Portland cement

Session 5: Advances in Imaging Diagnostics
Mohamed Oujja – In-depth structural and compositional assessments of aged terpenoid varnish layer


LACONA “Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks is the International Conference on advances in photonic techniques for diagnostics and conservation-restoration of cultural heritage.Since 1995, LACONA has gathered together researchers, conservators, and restorers from public institutions and private enterprises for discussing about novel approaches in non-invasive material characterization, conservation treatments, and monitoring based on photon sources and sensors.

The topics of the Conference focus on innovation in dedicated spectroscopic, imaging, and laser treatment systems and on their optimized application over the whole range of the conservation themes of tangible heritage.

LACONA XIII aims at strengthening and enriching the tradition of the Conference by encouraging the submission of contributions on the most advanced photonic tools and methods, their rigorous validation, and exemplary applications in safeguarding cultural heritage.

They plan to share manuscripts that will be submitted for publication after LACONA XIII in two independent issues but some interesting resources from previous editions can already be found here.


All the information: http://www.lacona13.eu/ 

Related post:

LACONA XIII – Lasers in Conservation of Artworks. Florence (Italy) September 12-16 2022


16-18th of May – International Conference: 3rd Florence HERI-TECH: The Future of Heritage Science and Technologies

Categoría: Noticias

3rd Edition of Florence HERI-TECH: The Future of Heritage Science and Technologies

The 3rd Edition of this international conference on heritage science will be celebrated in Florence the 16th to 18th of May.

The topics are Materials Science, Diagnostic and Monitoring, Engineering, Ict and digital Heritage, Environment and CH, Sustainable Architecture of CH but more topics can be proposed through here: https://www.florenceheritech.com/areas-and-topics/

Paper submission is still open until 11th of March.

The idea: «The International Conference Florence Heri-Tech: the Future of Heritage Science and Technologies, involves a large number of researches and scholars from around the world and puts the industry’s current issues under spotlight, specifically on issues related to innovative techniques and technologies for Cultural Heritage. The Conference is part of the Florence International Biennial for Art and Restoration, an international event attracting prestigious institutions and companies and creating a unique opportunity to bring together the academic word with industry. The Conference will be a significant opportunity to bring together the academic world with industry.

Heri-Tech is the first International Conference to welcome major researchers and scholars from all over the world, focusing on current and future issues in the field on issues related to innovative techniques and technologies. The city of Florence will therefore be the international heart of Restoration and Cultural and Environmental assets as well as a forum for meeting and discussing for experts, operators and enthusiasts from around the world. The Conference will be a significant opportunity for exchange between researchers and companies for the promotion of productive excellence, technological evolution, the greater use of culture for younger sections of the population and specialization in the educational field for graduates and PhD students.«

The objectives:

«To foster European mobility and co-operation between students and staff; to enhance Europe’s development as a multi-cultural society and to encourage the concept that scientific-cultural research must be an integral part of society; to promote international networks between universities, training institutes and companies to create long-term collaboration opportunities; to create favourable conditions for young graduates to enter the world of work; to demonstrate the influence of new technologies in the arts and how they can be used for innovative teaching and learning; and to establish contacts and cooperation between Institutions in the Academic world and the world of work.»

All the information here:


9th ECTP Conference – 2-3 December: EU-Construction Industry at the heart of the Green and Digital Transitions

Paula Carmona (IQFR-PTI-PAIS) will be giving the lecture about IPERION HS, E-RIHS and PTI-PAIS, with the name «Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science (IPERION HS)»

The 9th ECTP Conference is organized by MWCC and PTEC on Thursday & Friday 2-3 December 2021 as a hybrid event, both with attendees onsite at the Palacio de Cibeles in Madrid and with an online broadcast.

Stakeholders from the whole construction value-chain and representatives of the European Commission will share their experience and outline how the EU Construction Industry is at the heart of the Built Environment green and digital transitions.

Here are some pictures of our member Paula Carmona (IQFR) presenting «Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science (IPERION HS)» the 2nd of December.


Registration form is available here.

The registration process is managed by the local organizers. For any questions, please send an email to ectpconference2021@plataformaptec.es
NB: Registrations for online attendance will open at the beginning of November.

Download the program here.

Objectives of the Conference:

  • Present the new Horizon Europe program from the perspective of the construction sector
  • Present the new Co-programmed Partnership Built4People
  • Present the new Strategic Research Agenda (SRIA) of the ECTP
  • Share vision with the organizations having endorsed the ECTP SRIA.

Structure around 4 topics:

  •  Urban environment and clean cities – Urban solutions
  •  Build with and for people
  • Prosperous constructive ecosystem
  • Digitalization.

Topics of the thematic parallel sessions:
  * Infrastructure & Mobility Committee: Current research examples and future trends outlook
* Transition from Energy Efficient Buildings to a Sustainable Built Environment
* Role of the Built Environment in promoting Health and Wellbeing
* Urban Scale Challenges in the Low Carbon Transition
* METABUILDING Platform as the backbone of the European Construction sector Innovation Ecosystem
* Opportunities for European Cultural Heritage in a post-pandemic era: research networks & infrastructures
* Role of Materials & Sustainability in Horizon Europe
* Circular economy in the Built Environment: present challenges and future vision
* Establishing the foundations for a European Construction digitalization
* Simulations across Building Lifecycle in BIM Digital Twin Environments (BDTEs)

The ECTP Conference is held in Palacio de Cibeles, Plaza  de  Cibeles  1,  28014  Madrid, Spain. You can also assist online. (https://www.centrocentro.org/en/centrocentro/spaces/auditorium).

Local Organizing Committee
Plataforma Tecnológica Española de la Construcción (PTEC)
Madrid World Capital of Engineering, Construction and Architecture (MWCC)

Registration and practical information: PTEC (ectpconference2021@plataformaptec.es)
Programme: ECTP (secretariat@ectp.org)

29 November to 2nd December (Update) – EMSLIBS 2021 – Euro-Mediterranean Symposium on Laser-Induced Breakdown will be held in Gijón (Spain)

The Euro-Mediterranean Symposium on Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy will be held in Gijón (Spain) from November 29th to December 2nd.

We will be present there with the poster: «Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Nonlinear Optical Microscopy for Analysis of Historical Glasses.» Lecture given by Marina Martínez Weinbaum (IQFR-PTI-PAIS)

«This event is a four-day conference and includes plenary talks, delivered by internationally recognized speakers, and oral sessions, where invited and selected contributors present their most relevant results. Participants will be able to visit the permanent poster exhibition and to meet the respective authors in the poster defence session. Moreover, 11th EMSLIBS will provide an excellent opportunity for suppliers of analytical instrumentation, relevant sample preparation equipment, consumables and chemicals, for LIBS and other related spectroscopy techniques, to exhibit at the conference. Additional entertainment will also be assured with various social activities organized throughout the conference.

The 11th EMSLIBS programme will comprise several hot-topics of the LIBS community, with sessions focused on subjects such as fundamentals, nano-LIBS, imaging or hyphenated techniques.

The original date had to be delayed due to the unique circumstances that we’re experiencing, with the confidence that we will be able to enjoy a face-to-face congress by the end of 2021.»

We will be present with the lecture of Marina Martínez-Weinbaum.

All the information available in the EMLIBS2021 webpage.


«Study of Historical Glass Grisailles by Non-linear Optical Microscopy». Presentation by Marta Castillejo.

Marta Castillejo, Coordinator of the CSIC Interdisciplinary Thematic Platform: Open Heritage: Research & Society, has presented this online talk at the Optics for Arts, Architecture and Archaeology (O3A) 10th Conference, as part of the Annual Conference of the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE) Optical Metrology Symposium at the World of Photonics Congress in June 2021.

Title: «Study of Historical Glass Grisailles by Non-linear Optical Microscopy».
Authors: M. Oujja, F. Agua, M. Sanz, D. Morales-Martin, M. García-Heras, M. A. Villegas.
Date: 23th June 2021.
Related content:


Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage – 2021 International Conference (Milano-Italy) 20-22 October

We present you the International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage that will be in Milano, Italy, October 20-22, 2021.

Get the updated program.

Extended submission deadline for papers: May 31th, 2021.


  • Methodologies and measurements for diagnostics and conservation;
  • Geomatics for Cultural Heritage research and management;
  • Non-destructive techniques for archaeological diagnostics;
  • 3D recording and modelling for Cultural Heritage;
  • Metrology in landscape archaeology;
  • Metrological approaches to the study of written Heritage;
  • Metrological approaches in architecture and visual arts;
  • Bioarchaeology and palaeodiet measurements;
  • Archaeometry;
  • Archaeozoology;
  • Archaeobotany;
  • Metrological analyses of raw materials;
  • Computer science and 3D survey;
  • Metadata and digital management in archaeology;
  • Ancient scientific instruments.


«The word metrology has a long tradition, deriving from the Greek word for measure. The knowledge about anything is complete only when it can be expressed in numbers and something is known about it. Measurements play a fundamental role in every field of investigation and present day scientific and technological progress has resulted from progress in the field of measurements.
Metrology, the science of measurements, includes all aspects both theoretical and practical with reference to measurements, whatever their uncertainty, and in whatever fields of science or technology they occur. Consequently the field of valorisation, characterisation and preservation of Cultural Heritage too is deeply related to the metrological issues for the collection, interpretation and validation of data collected with the different analytical, physical-chemical, mechanical techniques, digital technologies, new ICT tools, etc…
Measurements deriving from the large number of analytical methodologies and tools, molecular and elemental spectroscopic techniques, chemometrics, chemical reactivity and modeling, etc., nowadays available are of interest for the conference. Data on the impacts of natural and anthropogenic environmental stressors, the decaying pathways of the different materials in the surrounding environment, the development of new remediation processes as cleaning, consolidation, rehabilitation, etc., based on the chemical knowledge can be considered.»

All the information:


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