1-2 December 2022 – XXII Chemical analysis in heritage conservation

1-2 December 2022 – XXII Chemical analysis in heritage conservation

AChwOZ’XXII – Analiza chemiczna w ochronie zabytków or «Chemical analysis in heritage conservation» is the polish national conference on the research of heritage conservation.

Coordinator of PTI-PAIS, Marta Castillejo, (Instituto de Química Física Rocasolano, CSIC) has been invited to give the conference opening lecture.

It will take place the 1st of december at 16:10 in the Chemical Sciences Center of the University of Warsaw. It will be given in english with the title:

  • “Nonlinear optical microscopy for characterization of cultural heritage materials»
    Prof. Marta Castillejo, Instituto de Química Física Rocasolano, CSIC, Madrid (Spain).

Several topics on heritage conservation will be covered. Check the complete program here (polish).
