Actividades de formación

Seminarios Web del GTPE (EPWG) «Patrimonio y Cambio Climático: Llamado para una movilización climática», 18 julio, 14.00 (hora París)

El Grupo de Trabajo Internacional de Profesionales Emergentes de ICOMOS (EPWG) se complace en presentar una serie doble de seminarios web sobre el tema “Patrimonio y Cambio Climático” durante junio y julio de 2020.

Las comunidades se están transformando globalmente para abordar las causas y los impactos del cambio climático: ¿Cómo podría contribuir el patrimonio? ¿Cómo sería la práctica del patrimonio como parte de la solución? La próxima sesión explora estas preguntas a través del trabajo de tres colegas en la primera línea de acción climática en Puerto Rico, Tailandia, Fiji, y otros, que demostrarán maneras para impulsar y posibilitar la acción climática desde el patrimonio cultural.

El debate (Sábado 18 julio, 14.00 PARÍS) contará con la participación de la Prof. Dra. Witiya Pittungnapoo, Elia Nakoro y la Dra. Isabel Rivera-Collazo, y forma parte del Programa de Seminarios Web de ICOMOS Internacional.

El seminario será en inglés, con disponibilidad de traducción a otros idiomas durante la sesión de preguntas y respuestas.

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«Culture: An Accelerator Under-Used?», Join the UN HLPF Side Event on 13 July 2020, 12:00 – 13:30 New York Time


As part of the UN High-Level Political Forum taking place virtually on 7-16 July 2020, ICOMOS is pleased to announce their Side Event, «An Accelerator Under-Used? Realising the potential of culture for short-term recovery and long-term sustainable development» on 13 July 2020 from 12:00-13:30 EST.

Organised jointly by the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA)United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) and ICOMOS, the session will investigate how well culture has been integrated into the UN 2030 Agenda process so far, and the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

It will draw lessons from this experience, and assess how far we have come since 2015. To find ways to build back better, making the most of the interlinkages highlighted by the 2030 Agenda, there will then be an open discussion. This will explore, holistically, how cultural actors, assets, perspectives and institutions can strengthen policy responses across the board, supported by insights from government agencies, major cultural networks and independent experts.

We are honoured to have among confirmed speakers, H.E. Mr. Ernesto Ottone, Assistant Director General, Culture, UNESCO; H.E. Mr. Jerobeam Shaanika, Deputy Chef de Cabinet, Office of the President of the UN General Assembly; José Alfonso Suárez del Real, Minister for Culture of Mexico City; Dr Daisy Fancourt, UCL, Lead on WHO Europe Report on Culture and Health; and Nikiesha Hamilton from Brooklyn Museum, beside representatives of the Culture 2030 Goal campaign (ARTERIAL Network, Culture Action Europe, International Music Council).

Please see the full list of speakers in the event flyer, and join us at this event on Zoom at


Online seminar: Building a Skilled and Diverse Heritage Science Community, 8th July 2020 04:00 PM (GMT+1)

The Icon Book & Paper Group Committee  are pleased to be able to bring you a series of live streamed talks while many people are required to stay at home during in these unprecedented times.

The next talk will be an NHSF Panel giving their talk Building a Skilled an Diverse Heritage Science Community.

One of three key themes in the Strategic Framework for Heritage Science in the UK is the development of a skilled and diverse heritage science community. Over the past year, members of the NHSF working group assembled under this theme have been scoping partners, methods, and opportunities to begin addressing this critical priority. At this joint NHSF/ICON HS meeting, we invite two speakers to discuss opening up heritage science to the public through citizen science and strategies to diversify our community. We also invite attendees to contribute ideas and comments on this theme at our timely discussion

About the speaker
The National Heritage Science Forum (NHSF) brings together the producers and users of heritage science to improve collaboration, help practitioners make better use of research, and demonstrate the public benefit of heritage science. The Strategic Framework for Heritage Science in the UK was developed by the Forum in consultation with the heritage science community. It was released in 2018 and covers three themes: establishing excellent research, a skilled and diverse heritage science community, and demonstrable social and economic impact. Through these three themes the vision ‘that the UK’s extraordinarily rich and varied tangible and intangible heritage will be enhanced by better use of science and technology for the benefit of society’ will be delivered.

Date: 8th July 2020 04:00 PM (GMT+1)

Register here

Retos y oportunidades para el patrimonio cultural en tiempos de COVID, 03 julio 16:00 – 17:00 CET (hora Central Europea)

Como parte de la serie de conferencias del ICCROM: Voces Globales: Patrimonio y Pandemias, llevada a cabo dentro el marco de la iniciativa Patrimonio en Tiempos de COVID, un último seminario virtual en español se centrará en las experiencias vividas en varios países latinoamericanos, incluyendo Chile, Honduras, Guatemala, así como España. Este seminario está dedicado a la audiencia hispanohablante, con especial atención a la región de América Latina, para compartir y discutir los retos actuales, lecciones aprendidas y potenciales soluciones para enfrentarse a la crisis del COVID-19 desde la perspectiva del patrimonio cultural.

La región de América Latina y el Caribe está experimentando actualmente una crecida en el número de casos de COVID, lo que está impactando a la mayoría de los países y sus economías. El sector del patrimonio cultural no está a salvo, e igualmente se está viendo afectado con la clausura de sitios patrimoniales, la cancelación de tradiciones y celebraciones, y la importante repercusión económica sufrida por el sector turismo. Profesionales de distintos países compartirán sus experiencias, discutirán oportunidades invitando a la audiencia a reflexionar sobre sus propias situaciones y retos, y presentarán la red internacional que ofrece recursos informativos, referencias y apoyo, para juntos enfrentar la crisis.

Link to webinar

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Online seminar: Heritage and Sustainability in Post COVID-19 World – Building Back Better, 2nd July 14:00-15:00 (Rome, Italy)

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to confront critical questions and decisions concerning our future and the role of cultural heritage in it. Looking ahead, the post COVID-19 phase provides an opportunity to ‘build back better’ by rethinking and further strengthening the role of heritage in sustainable development, in line with the UN 2030 agenda. Nevertheless, this will require the heritage sector to reconsider its position and proactively take concrete steps to advance social, environmental, and economic sustainability. The webinar will address this issue, with particular focus on museums and their collections.


  • Viviane GOSSELIN, PhD, Director of Collections and Exhibitions at the Museum of Vancouver, Canada. Member of the Advisory Group for the Coalition of Museums for Climate Justice.
  • Sophia LABADI, PhD, Professor of Heritage, University of Kent, UK.
  • Abubakar SULE SANI, PhD, Senior Lecturer, Department of Archaeology, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria – Nigeria.
  • Errol VAN DE WERDT, drs/MA, Director, TextielMuseum, Tilburg – The Netherlands.
  • José Luiz Pedersoli Jr., ICCROM

Date: 02/07/2020
Time: 14:00 – 15:00 (Rome, Italy)
Location: Online

Link to webinar:


Summer School: Museums and the Sustainable Development Goals, 24-27th August Rotterdam

From Monday 24th to Thursday 27th of August 2020 the Centre for Global Heritage and Development organises a summer school. We will visit different museums to learn what their contribution is to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. The SDGs are more urgent than ever as the corona crisis has shown how fragile the foundations of our societal structures are. Many governments and organisations are actively working towards the fulfilment of these goals and especially museums have instigated exciting new developments and initiatives.

Each museum has its own approach and priorities, these will be presented and discussed by curators and other museum staff. Participants are also expected to participate actively through critical questions and discussion.

Given the current corona crisis and the lack of hands-on education, this summer school is both a stepping stone to the new academic year, an opportunity to network and of course a unique educational experience that is not offered by existing courses.

Registration is now open! Visit

Start date: 
End date:
Location: Leiden, Rotterdam

Webinar: Materials Science for Built Heritage Conservation, 30th June

The webinar is part of «Technical Tuesdays: technical conservation webinars», organized by Historic England’s Technical Conservation Team.

In particular, this webinar will explore the contribution of materials science to the conservation of built heritage. It will explain how scientific techniques carried out in the laboratory or on site can be used to learn more about material composition and causes of decay, and how this can inform repair strategies and specifications. Some of the challenges and limitations to be aware of when commissioning materials science work will be described. An overview of the setup of pilot-sites to assess conservation treatments in historic buildings, and the role of materials science in the development of innovative conservation treatments will also be presented.

Presented by Francesca Gherardi, materials scientist at Historic England, and Alison Henry, Head of Building Conservation & Geospatial Survey at Historic England.

The webinar will take place next Tuesday (30.06.2020).

Charla online. Integración de sensores para la documentación y conservación del Patrimonio Cultural, Lunes 29 junio, 18,30h CEST

La Universidad de Granada en su ciclo de charlas online Restauración desde el confinamiento organiza el próximo lunes 29 de junio la conferencia online Integración de sensores para la documentación y conservación del Patrimonio Cultural a cargo de la investigadora de la Universidad Loyola Andalucía.

Enlace deconferencia:
(aforo 250 personas).

Más información 


Infoday on-line ERC grants, 9 de Julio 12:00-13:30

El 9 de Julio de 12:00-13:30 tendrá lugar una jornada informativa en remoto sobre el Programa European Research Council organizada por el  Gobierno Vasco junto a la UPV/EHU e Ikerbasque.

El Consejo Europeo de Investigación (ERC) apoya proyectos que buscan desarrollar investigaciones novedosas y de alto riesgo en las fronteras del conocimiento. La excelencia científica es el único criterio para la concesión de subvenciones y funciona sobre una base ascendente, sin prioridades predeterminadas. El webinar está dirigido a investigadoras/es y a las personas gestoras del sistema vasco de ciencia.

En la sesión participarán:

  • Amaia Esquisabel. Directora de Investigación del Gobierno Vasco
  • Estefanía Muñoz. ERC National Contact Point. FECYT
  • Laura Mohedano. ERC National Contact Point. ISCIII
  • Angel Rubio. Evaluador ERC y beneficiario de 2 ERC Advanced Grant. Max Planck-UPV/EHU-Simons Foundation
  • Ion Errea. Beneficiario de ERC Starting Grant- UPV/EHU

Al final de la sesión habrá oportunidad de formular preguntas a las/os ponentes.


13th edition Advanced Master Course in Structural Analysis of Existing Buildings, Monuments and Historical Constructions

After 10 years of European funding, 400 students and 65 countries, applications for the Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions are opened up to July 20, 2020. This is the leading international course on conservation of heritage structures, winner of the 2017 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage «Europa Nostra», and a unique opportunity to meet people from all over the world.

This Master Course, which is running its 13th Edition, is organized by a Consortium of leading European Universities/Research Institutions in the field, composed by University of Minho (coordinating institution, Portugal), the Technical University of Catalonia (Spain), the Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic), the University of Padua (Italy) and the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic).

The course combines the most recent advances in research and development with practical applications.

A significant number of scholarships, ranging from 4,000 to 13,000 Euro, are available to students of any nationality.

Further information: