4th May – IPERION Webinar #02 – FIXLAB: Key Fixed Research facilities Access.

4th May – IPERION Webinar #02 – FIXLAB: Key Fixed Research facilities Access.

The second webinar will take place online on May 4, 2021, at 3 pm CET. Ina Reiche and Rémi Petitcol will present FIXLAB: research on ivory, followed by hints and tips on FIXLAB access.

FIXLAB is the IPERION HS platform that provides access for the Heritage Science (HS) community to key fixed research facilities and to the associated scientific expertise.
Access is offered to researchers in Heritage Science to help address the major questions raised by the materiality of Heritage Science artefacts in terms of their genesis, manufacturing processes, alterations, conservation and preservation. The unique FIXLAB services offered to the HS community embrace advanced state‐of‐the‐art instrumentation; dedicated facilities with teams of experts in the field of micro‐analysis of HS artefacts; novel developments resulting from IPERION HS joint research activities to improve access progressively; development of both new sample‐positioning devices at a micro‐scale and software tools for the integration of imaging data.

Ina Reiche, research director at the French National Research Centre, will present the topic “Palaeolithic ivory artefacts investigated by particle physics”, while Rémi Petitcol, European Policy Officer at the French Center for Research and Restoration of Museums of France (C2RMF), will talk about “FIXLAB: a catalyst for Heritage Science”.

You can register here: http://www.iperionhs.eu/webinar-2-registration/ 

4th May 2021 at 3 pm (CET)

You will learn

  • What FIXLAB is
  • How to access Transnational Access to FIXLAB
  • Hints and tips on using FIXLAB
  • How FIXLAB can improve your research
  • A positive experience on FIXLAB: A research on ivory from Ina Reiche: “Palaeolithic ivory artefacts investigated by particle physics».

1 hour (40 minutes + 20 minutes Q&A)

Key topics we’ll cover
Heritage Science and Fixed Laboratories


Ina Reiche
Ina Reiche is research director at the French National Research Centre in a joint team of the Research Institute of the Paris’ Technical Institute of Chemistry and the Centre for research and restoration of the French Museums in Paris. Her interdisciplinary research background is in analytical chemistry, material sciences, art and prehistory. Since her position as the head of the Rathgen research laboratory between 2014 and 2019 CNRS she is actively involved in the research infrastructures IPERION-CH, IPERION-HS and E-RIHS and a current user of large scale facilities in the framework of the FIXLAB access to perform integrated research in heritage sciences. She is managing editor of the international journal Archaeometry (Wiley), board member of the German Archaeometry Association and of the French National Archaeometry research network as well as the president of the international scientific committee of the conference Synchrotron radiation in art and archaeology.

Rémi Petitcol
Rémi Petitcol is a European Policy Officer at the French Center for Research and Restoration of Museums of France (C2RMF), with a background in Political Science and EU Law. He specializes in solutions for the integration of the Heritage Science community, with a focus on establishing E-RIHS. His role in IPERION HS is to provide legal and institutional advice on policies, including the Access Policy.

Registration here.


Webinar: What is IPERION HS

The webinar takes place online and will introduce participants to the field of Heritage Science facilities in IPERION HS, a European project devoted to building a distributed research infrastructure in the field of Heritage Science: E-RIHS (http://www.e-rihs.eu/).
The focus will be placed on what IPERION HS is and what can do for researchers, conservators and professionals working in the field of Heritage Science.

You can register here: http://www.iperionhs.eu/webinar-registration/ 

21st April 2021 at 10 am (CET)

You will learn

  • What Heritage Science is
  • What IPERION HS is
  • What IPERION HS offers
  • How to access IPERION HS services

Key topics we’ll cover
Heritage Science

1 hour (40 minutes + 20 minutes Q&A)


Matija Strlič – Professor of Heritage Science
Matija Strlič is Professor of Analytical Chemistry at University of Ljubljana and Professor of Heritage Science at University College London. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and of the International Institute for Conservation. His role in the IPERION HS Academy is to enable the development of a vibrant user community.

Jana Striová – Heritage Scientist
Jana Striová is Heritage Scientist at Italian National Research Council, with academic background in Analytical Chemistry and Material Science, as well as in Science for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage and Management of Research Infrastructures. She coordinates the team developing an integrated and user-oriented approach to access the IPERION HS facilities and the training events for the Heritage Science community.