Un año más y, pese a la difícil situación en la que nos encontramos, el GE-IIC quiere premiar y reconocer la labor de profesionales destacados de todos los sectores de la Conservación-Restauración y fomentar la investigación en los jóvenes que han finalizado en los últimos años sus estudios de Grado o Máster en algún centro educativo del territorio español.

Añadimos una nueva categoría, el premio Empresa, con la intención de reconocer a los profesionales de la práctica privada.

Plazo de presentación de candidaturas para todas las categorías: 30 de Noviembre de 2020.

Más información e inscripciones

European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards 2021, deadline 1st October 2020 (date of sending)

The Europa Nostra Awards are granted annually to identify and promote best practices in the conservation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, to stimulate the trans-frontier exchange of knowledge and experience throughout Europe, to enhance public awareness and appreciation of Europe’s cultural heritage, and to encourage further excellent initiatives through the power of example.

Outstanding heritage achievements are awarded in the following categories:
● Conservation
● Research
● Dedicated Service to Heritage
● Education, Training and Awareness-raising

Entries can be related to tangible, intangible or digital heritage.

They can be ranging on a scale from small to large, from local to European and international.
Criteria for the assessment and selection of entries include: excellence in the work executed and preliminary research conducted; respect for artistic, cultural and social value, setting, authenticity, integrity, sustainability and positive contribution to climate action as well as the European dimension of the entry. The following aspects will also be evaluated: innovation, interpretation and presentation, educational work, funding and management, social responsibility, and audience development.

The Europa Nostra Awards will honour up to 30 outstanding heritage achievements from all parts of Europe every year. The number of awards each year will depend on the quality and quantity of entries received.
One winner will also receive the Public Choice Award following an online vote conducted via the Europa Nostra website.

In addition, two ILUCIDARE Special Prizes will be awarded from among
the submitted applications by the ILUCIDARE Jury. ILUCIDARE is an EUfunded project with the aim of fostering heritage-led innovation and international relations. As part of this project, the ILUCIDARE Special Prizes will identify and promote best practices in heritage-led innovation and international relations. Awarded projects will receive either a Europa Nostra Award or an ILUCIDARE Special Prize.

Closing date: 1 October 2020 (last date of sending)
For more information: Elena Bianchi eb@europanostra.org
Download an entry form: www.europeanheritageawards.eu/apply