7-10 November Cultural Heritage (CH): conservation and diagnostics session at the 26th AIV Conference

7-10 November Cultural Heritage (CH): conservation and diagnostics session at the 26th AIV Conference

The AIV XXVI Conference will be held the November 7 – 10, 2023 in Rome, Italy.

This conference approaches the issues associated with materials and processing, in the research and manufacturing communities. The four-day Conference promotes a multidisciplinary environment to encourage a cross fertilization between attendees on emerging technologies.

The Associazione Italiana di Scienza & Tecnologia will held this Conferece with a special session dedicated to heritage science: Cultural Heritage: Conservation and diagnostics.

Abstract submission and early bird fee still open (until 15th September) – https://www.aiv.it/en/aiv-xxvi-conference

LANAMAP and LLHS (Laser Laboratory for Heritage Science) group leader of PTI-PAIS, Dr. Marta Castillejo (IQF-CSIC) will present there «Nonlinear optical microscopy: a non-destructive tool for characterization of Cultural heritage materials»

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4th – 8th July – CHEMCH – 6th International Congress Chemistry for Cultural Heritage 2022


Announcement and agenda here.

All the information.


ALMA MATER STUDIORUM – University of Bologna, Ravenna
Palazzo dei Congressi, 48121 Ravenna (ITALY)
and ONLINE: (online platform to be defined)

4-8 July 2022


The 6TH International Congress on Chemistry for Cultural Heritage, organized by the University of Bologna – Microchemistry and Microscopy Art Diagnostic Laboratory (M2ADL) in collaboration with the Italian Chemical Society (SCI) and its Division of Environmental and Cultural Heritage Chemistry, is particularly aimed at providing an international platform for presentation and discussion on all the above mentioned issue.


ChemCH 2020 topics

  • Chemical imaging and spectral imaging
  • Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials for diagnostics, conservation and restoration
  • Sustainable materials and methods for conservation and restoration
  • Development of non-invasive / microinvasive analytical methods for artworks
  • Alteration phenomena: chemical interaction of environment and artworks
  • Data processing and chemometrics for cultural heritage investigations
  • Self-boundaries for safe analysis
  • Multi and transdisciplinary studies of cultural heritage
  • Chemical aspects of biological alteration phenomena
  • Environmental chemistry aspects in heritage conservation

• Session 1: Advanced diagnostic techniques applied to cultural heritage (Chemical
imaging, Development of non-invasive / microinvasive analytical methods for

Dr. Costanza Miliani, Director of the CNR institute of Heritage Science, Naples (IT)

• Session 2: Data processing for cultural heritage investigations (Big data,
Chemometrics, Artificial intelligence)

Prof. Haida Liang, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham (UK)

• Session 3: New materials and methods for the conservation of cultural heritage
(Sustainable materials and methods for conservation and restoration)

Prof. Giuseppe Lazzara, Department of Physics and Chemistry, University of Palermo (IT)

• Session 4: Interaction and degradation of cultural heritage and Preventive
Conservation (Alteration phenomena: chemical interaction of environment and
artworks, Chemical aspects of biological alteration phenomena, Environmental
chemistry aspects in heritage conservation)

Prof. Matija Strlic, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana (SLO)

• Session 5: Relevant case studies (Multi and transdisciplinary studies of cultural

Prof. Katrien Keune, University of Amsterdam, Conservation & Science Department of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (NL)



XXVII National Spectroscopy Meeting – 5 to 8 July. (Málaga)

XXVII National Spectroscopy Meeting – XI Iberian Spectroscopy Congress will be a fully face-to-face edition, and will take place in Malaga from 5 to 8 July.


The International Conference will be organized in collaboration with Sociedad de Espectroscopía Aplicada (SEA), Sociedad Española de Química Analítica (SEQA), Sociedade Portuguesa da Química (SPQ) and Sociedade Portuguesa da Bioquímica (SPB).
The principal goal of the meeting is to contribute to spread the latest developments in the spectroscopy field in fundamental aspects and applications, motivating the participation of senior and young researchers and students Following the tradition of previous editions presentations will establish a forum to stimulate exchange of knowledge and scientific collaborations.

The Spectroscopy Committee, as well as other Scientific Societies collaborating with the RNE, will provide scholarships to students to facilitate their participation in the meeting.

The call for abstracts is currently open until 8 April.  9 May.


Spectroscopy and Molecular Structure – Biomolecular Spectroscopy – Cultural Heritage – Chemical Analysis and Speciation – Food analysis – Instrumentation – Plasmonic – Sample Preparation – Sensors – Surfaces and Interfaces – Spectroscopy in Education


  • Oral Communication
  • Poster Communication
  • Poster flash Communication


HS Academy #3 – March 8th – “Remote sensing-based approach for Cultural Heritage interpretation and monitoring”


HS Academy Webinar 03/2022: Remote sensing-based approaches for Cultural Heritage interpretation and monitoring

HS ACADEMY #3 will provide an overview of remote sensing-based approaches for the interpretation and monitoring of cultural heritage.  Remote-sensing based approaches to cultural heritage with application to real conservation and restoration problems.

It will be lectured by Nicola Masini, Research Director of CNR, Deputy Director of CNR-Institute of Heritage Science, Senior lecturer at Master and PhD courses of the University of Basilicata. His dominant scientific interests are focused on the development and application of remote sensing-based methods for archaeological research, landscape archaeology, cultural heritage risk analysis and conservation.

Date: March 8th, 2022. 3 p.m.

Registration: https://www.iperionhs.eu/webinar-03-2022/

The webinars are organized by the HS Academy, a collaborative initiative between IPERION HS (www.iperionhs.eu) and E-RIHS (www.e-rihs.eu). The two European projects integrate facilities of recognized excellence in Heritage Science, offering access to a wide range of high-level scientific instruments, methodologies, data, tools and training opportunities for advancing knowledge and innovation in the field.

All the information and registration here:

Webinar 03/2022


Symposium – «Heritage for the future, Science for Heritage» March 15-16

YOU HAVE NOW ACCESS TO THE RECORDING THROUGH THIS LINK: https://events.wisembly.com/liveheritage4future

The Foundation for Heritage Science is organisising an interesting symposium dedicated to european Heritage Science field with the support of the European Commission. The French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), the French Ministry of Culture, the University of Paris-Saclav and the University of Cergy Pais will also participate.

YOU HAVE NOW ACCESS TO THE RECORDING THROUGH THIS LINK: https://events.wisembly.com/liveheritage4future


This two day conference will highlight heritage science, in all its diversity, in France and in Europe, consider its central role in responding to the major contemporary challenges – whether social, cultural, economic, political or environmental – as well as its articulation with various initiatives carried out by the European institutions. Researchers and heritage professionals will present the results and conclusions of research and innovation work and its application to heritage. A number of relevant EU initiatives will be presented, which will pave the way for future perspectives in heritage science.

The updated program can be accesed here.

The program is built around this four pillars:

  • A reflective heritage for a resilient society
  • Sustainable management of cultural heritage
  • Cultural heritage in a changing context
  • Cultural heritage facing climate and environmental change

You can register through this link to access remotely to the event.

The symposium will be held in French and in English in the form of plenary sessions and round tables. Those sessions will take place at the Louvre Museum, the National Library of France (François Mitterrand site), the École du Louvre and the C2RMF.

UPDATE: The physical event is full but you can still access remotely.

Full information through the registration link: https://events.wisembly.com/heritage4future

A presentation of the Foundation for Cultural Heritage Sciences can be accesed here: https://www.heritageresearch-hub.eu/member/fondation-des-sciences-du-patrimoine/

Webpage: http://www.sciences-patrimoine.org/ 

Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage – 2021 International Conference (Milano-Italy) 20-22 October

We present you the International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage that will be in Milano, Italy, October 20-22, 2021.

Get the updated program.

Extended submission deadline for papers: May 31th, 2021.


  • Methodologies and measurements for diagnostics and conservation;
  • Geomatics for Cultural Heritage research and management;
  • Non-destructive techniques for archaeological diagnostics;
  • 3D recording and modelling for Cultural Heritage;
  • Metrology in landscape archaeology;
  • Metrological approaches to the study of written Heritage;
  • Metrological approaches in architecture and visual arts;
  • Bioarchaeology and palaeodiet measurements;
  • Archaeometry;
  • Archaeozoology;
  • Archaeobotany;
  • Metrological analyses of raw materials;
  • Computer science and 3D survey;
  • Metadata and digital management in archaeology;
  • Ancient scientific instruments.


«The word metrology has a long tradition, deriving from the Greek word for measure. The knowledge about anything is complete only when it can be expressed in numbers and something is known about it. Measurements play a fundamental role in every field of investigation and present day scientific and technological progress has resulted from progress in the field of measurements.
Metrology, the science of measurements, includes all aspects both theoretical and practical with reference to measurements, whatever their uncertainty, and in whatever fields of science or technology they occur. Consequently the field of valorisation, characterisation and preservation of Cultural Heritage too is deeply related to the metrological issues for the collection, interpretation and validation of data collected with the different analytical, physical-chemical, mechanical techniques, digital technologies, new ICT tools, etc…
Measurements deriving from the large number of analytical methodologies and tools, molecular and elemental spectroscopic techniques, chemometrics, chemical reactivity and modeling, etc., nowadays available are of interest for the conference. Data on the impacts of natural and anthropogenic environmental stressors, the decaying pathways of the different materials in the surrounding environment, the development of new remediation processes as cleaning, consolidation, rehabilitation, etc., based on the chemical knowledge can be considered.»

All the information:


New materials for the conservation of cultural heritage in concrete 23-24 April 2021


WHEN: April 23-24, 2021.

WHERE: Online.

The Italian/English and English/Italian translation will be available.

The Workshop is address to: 

  • Conservation Professionals.
  • Professional Councils.
  • Students of Universities.
  • Specialty Craftsman and Restorers in Concrete Heritage.
  • Public Administrations.
  • Researchers working in Cultural Heritage conservation.
  • Conservation products manufacturers.


  • certificate of participation will be issued at the end of the webinar.
  • Credits for the Order of Engineers will be granted only to members of the Province of Chieti.

21st April – IPERION and E-RIHS Webinar – Know the program on Heritage Science

As we already announced, the first of a series of webinars on practical heritage science will being the April 21st. Organized by IPERION HS and E-RIHS:

«IPERION HS and E-RIHS are organizing a series of short and practical webinars, a key source of state-of-the-art information on #HeritageScience research, facilities, policy and impact. It contributes to the development of a vibrant heritage science community and is intended for anyone involved in interdisciplinary #heritage research. One short webinar per month! The typical length of a webinar will be 30 min, followed by Q&A.
Read the full IPERION HS Academy programme

See directly the programme here:


The first webinar will take place online on 21th April, 2021 at 10 am CET. Matija Strlič and Jana Striová will present what #HeritageScience is and how IPERION HS can answer heritage science research questions.
Registration is open: http://www.iperionhs.eu/webinar-registration/ «

Related content:


22-25 March – Heritage Science Conference: Sustainable Heritage Bidecennial Conference: Strategic Research Questions

The UCL Institute of Sustainable Heritage celebrates 20 years and will host the Sustainable Heritage Bidecennial Conference. It will take place over four days from 22-25 March 2021, starting at 5 PM CET each day.

We recommend everybody interested in heritage science to assist to the sessions organized  the 24th, but see the full program here:   Conference program

The conference will be chaired by Prof Matija Strlic, Professor of Heritage Science.


The conference will be virtual and held on Zoom and it is free of charge.

Each day is related to a general topic.

It will also include some roundtables disccuions and two programmed workshops organised with Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC)

Citizen Science & Cultural Heritage – Planning for success | 24 March 12 am – 1pm (CET)

Digitising museum objects using basic photogrammetry | 25 March 12 am – 1 pm (CET)


If you look for more information click on the link below. There you can find all the conference sessions, speakers and times. Be aware that the times on the web are GMT +1.

Get the full information about this event here: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/bartlett/heritage/events/2021/mar/sustainable-heritage-bidecennial-conference-strategic-research-questions

Organized under the support of:

16th March, 2021 – JPI on Cultural Heritage launches his new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA)

JPI on Cultural Heritage has released his new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) and it would be presented in a virtual event – Kickoff & Networking Session with the presence of speakers from the European Comission and University College London.

This virtual event will be held the 16th March, 2021, the Kickoff and Networking even will begin at 10:00. To take part go to the next link and fullfill the contact form:

SRIA 2020 Virtual Launch

10 years after his first agenda, the SRIA shows the changes that have occured in the cultural heritage field. With SRIA 2020, the JPI CH will continue to provide future- orientated added value, and to protect and strengthen Europe’s cultural heritage through research and innovation in order to meet societal challenges and contribute to sustainable development.

You can obtain the agenda here:

The four Priority Areas stablished in this Agenda are:

  1. A reflective heritage for a resilient society: – This Priority Area focuses on cultural heritage as an empowering force and a collective good for society
  2. Sutainable management of cultural heritage. – This Priority Area focuses on participatory governance, the added value of cultural heritage and emerging technologies 
  3. Cultural heritage in a changing context. – This Priority Area focuses on urban and rural development, globalisation, demographic change and tourism and will explore both the positive and the negative implications for cultural heritage
  4. Cultural heritage facing climate change and environmental change. This Priority Area focuses on the impact of climate and environmental changes on cultural and natural heritage and how cultural and natural heritage could be as resource for Sustainable Development.

You can explore the themes included in these Priority Areas on the document. I hope it is of your interest. We left you with some words on cultural science from Pascal Liévaux, Chair of the JPI CH.

«The JPI CH has been a driving force in the creation of a new feld of study: heritage science. Heritage science is a very broad and totally transdisciplinary feld that brings together the wide range of sciences (social, experimental, engineering, digital, humanities) that participate in and enable the identifcation, understanding, conservation, restoration and transmission of heritage, be it cultural, tangible, intangible, digital or natural. It consists of a highly collaborative ecosystem of researchers, heritage professionals, non-governmental organisations and associations that transcends national visions and interests, whilst falling within the scope of Europe’s open science policy.(…)»   PASCAL LIÉVAUX – Chair of the JPI Cultural Heritage


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