Symposium – «Heritage for the future, Science for Heritage» March 15-16

Symposium – «Heritage for the future, Science for Heritage» March 15-16


The Foundation for Heritage Science is organisising an interesting symposium dedicated to european Heritage Science field with the support of the European Commission. The French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), the French Ministry of Culture, the University of Paris-Saclav and the University of Cergy Pais will also participate.



This two day conference will highlight heritage science, in all its diversity, in France and in Europe, consider its central role in responding to the major contemporary challenges – whether social, cultural, economic, political or environmental – as well as its articulation with various initiatives carried out by the European institutions. Researchers and heritage professionals will present the results and conclusions of research and innovation work and its application to heritage. A number of relevant EU initiatives will be presented, which will pave the way for future perspectives in heritage science.

The updated program can be accesed here.

The program is built around this four pillars:

  • A reflective heritage for a resilient society
  • Sustainable management of cultural heritage
  • Cultural heritage in a changing context
  • Cultural heritage facing climate and environmental change

You can register through this link to access remotely to the event.

The symposium will be held in French and in English in the form of plenary sessions and round tables. Those sessions will take place at the Louvre Museum, the National Library of France (François Mitterrand site), the École du Louvre and the C2RMF.

UPDATE: The physical event is full but you can still access remotely.

Full information through the registration link:

A presentation of the Foundation for Cultural Heritage Sciences can be accesed here:


29 November to 2nd December (Update) – EMSLIBS 2021 – Euro-Mediterranean Symposium on Laser-Induced Breakdown will be held in Gijón (Spain)

The Euro-Mediterranean Symposium on Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy will be held in Gijón (Spain) from November 29th to December 2nd.

We will be present there with the poster: «Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Nonlinear Optical Microscopy for Analysis of Historical Glasses.» Lecture given by Marina Martínez Weinbaum (IQFR-PTI-PAIS)

«This event is a four-day conference and includes plenary talks, delivered by internationally recognized speakers, and oral sessions, where invited and selected contributors present their most relevant results. Participants will be able to visit the permanent poster exhibition and to meet the respective authors in the poster defence session. Moreover, 11th EMSLIBS will provide an excellent opportunity for suppliers of analytical instrumentation, relevant sample preparation equipment, consumables and chemicals, for LIBS and other related spectroscopy techniques, to exhibit at the conference. Additional entertainment will also be assured with various social activities organized throughout the conference.

The 11th EMSLIBS programme will comprise several hot-topics of the LIBS community, with sessions focused on subjects such as fundamentals, nano-LIBS, imaging or hyphenated techniques.

The original date had to be delayed due to the unique circumstances that we’re experiencing, with the confidence that we will be able to enjoy a face-to-face congress by the end of 2021.»

We will be present with the lecture of Marina Martínez-Weinbaum.

All the information available in the EMLIBS2021 webpage.


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