16th March, 2021 – JPI on Cultural Heritage launches his new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA)

16th March, 2021 – JPI on Cultural Heritage launches his new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA)

JPI on Cultural Heritage has released his new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) and it would be presented in a virtual event – Kickoff & Networking Session with the presence of speakers from the European Comission and University College London.

This virtual event will be held the 16th March, 2021, the Kickoff and Networking even will begin at 10:00. To take part go to the next link and fullfill the contact form:

SRIA 2020 Virtual Launch

10 years after his first agenda, the SRIA shows the changes that have occured in the cultural heritage field. With SRIA 2020, the JPI CH will continue to provide future- orientated added value, and to protect and strengthen Europe’s cultural heritage through research and innovation in order to meet societal challenges and contribute to sustainable development.

You can obtain the agenda here:

The four Priority Areas stablished in this Agenda are:

  1. A reflective heritage for a resilient society: – This Priority Area focuses on cultural heritage as an empowering force and a collective good for society
  2. Sutainable management of cultural heritage. – This Priority Area focuses on participatory governance, the added value of cultural heritage and emerging technologies 
  3. Cultural heritage in a changing context. – This Priority Area focuses on urban and rural development, globalisation, demographic change and tourism and will explore both the positive and the negative implications for cultural heritage
  4. Cultural heritage facing climate change and environmental change. This Priority Area focuses on the impact of climate and environmental changes on cultural and natural heritage and how cultural and natural heritage could be as resource for Sustainable Development.

You can explore the themes included in these Priority Areas on the document. I hope it is of your interest. We left you with some words on cultural science from Pascal Liévaux, Chair of the JPI CH.

«The JPI CH has been a driving force in the creation of a new feld of study: heritage science. Heritage science is a very broad and totally transdisciplinary feld that brings together the wide range of sciences (social, experimental, engineering, digital, humanities) that participate in and enable the identifcation, understanding, conservation, restoration and transmission of heritage, be it cultural, tangible, intangible, digital or natural. It consists of a highly collaborative ecosystem of researchers, heritage professionals, non-governmental organisations and associations that transcends national visions and interests, whilst falling within the scope of Europe’s open science policy.(…)»   PASCAL LIÉVAUX – Chair of the JPI Cultural Heritage


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