Call for Papers for Special Issue of Heritage – “Study and Characterization of Paintings: Materials, Artistic Techniques, and Conservation”

Call for Papers for Special Issue of Heritage – “Study and Characterization of Paintings: Materials, Artistic Techniques, and Conservation”

Open Access and Free of Charge on Special Issue «Study and Characterization of Paintings: Materials, Artistic Techniques, and Conservation».


The editors of Heritage have decided to waive the fee for all papers submitted from 1st June to 31st August 2021 a good chance to contribute a paper to the Special Issue “Study and Characterization of Paintings: Materials, Artistic Techniques, and Conservation”.

This Special Issue aims to show a wide selection of contributions in the study of paintings as well as recent points of view to promote a greater understanding of the inherent complexity of paintings and stimulate innovative questions and discussions on this topic.

Multidisciplinary collaborative studies and review manuscripts are welcome. This includes different approaches to studying painting across a different combinations of artistic techniques, restoration practices, and material characterization, including both case studies and mock-ups. Also manuscripts on the following selected topics are welcomed:

  • The characterization, degradation, and restoration of painting supports such as wood, canvas, paper, parchment, plaster, and pottery.
  • The stratigraphy of painted artworks, artistic techniques, and restoration issues, and new techniques of analysis.
  • Degradation processes and the conservation of natural and synthetic organic binders, and their interaction with pigment particles.
  • Restoration issues, including varnishing and cleaning practices in paintings. Additionally, the history of, experimentation with, and evaluation of restoration products, as well as new perspectives of study.
  • Study of moisture and temperature in indoor and semiconfined environments for the collection care of paintings.
  • Ancient recipes and restoration practices and their impact on painting conservation.
  • Art history and materials science in studying the style and masterpieces of artists, artistic currents, and movements.

From Guest Editors:

Dr. Valeria Di Tullio
Dr. Brenda Doherty


Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 December 2021.

Information extracted from here: 

Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage – 2021 International Conference (Milano-Italy) 20-22 October

We present you the International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage that will be in Milano, Italy, October 20-22, 2021.

Get the updated program.

Extended submission deadline for papers: May 31th, 2021.


  • Methodologies and measurements for diagnostics and conservation;
  • Geomatics for Cultural Heritage research and management;
  • Non-destructive techniques for archaeological diagnostics;
  • 3D recording and modelling for Cultural Heritage;
  • Metrology in landscape archaeology;
  • Metrological approaches to the study of written Heritage;
  • Metrological approaches in architecture and visual arts;
  • Bioarchaeology and palaeodiet measurements;
  • Archaeometry;
  • Archaeozoology;
  • Archaeobotany;
  • Metrological analyses of raw materials;
  • Computer science and 3D survey;
  • Metadata and digital management in archaeology;
  • Ancient scientific instruments.


«The word metrology has a long tradition, deriving from the Greek word for measure. The knowledge about anything is complete only when it can be expressed in numbers and something is known about it. Measurements play a fundamental role in every field of investigation and present day scientific and technological progress has resulted from progress in the field of measurements.
Metrology, the science of measurements, includes all aspects both theoretical and practical with reference to measurements, whatever their uncertainty, and in whatever fields of science or technology they occur. Consequently the field of valorisation, characterisation and preservation of Cultural Heritage too is deeply related to the metrological issues for the collection, interpretation and validation of data collected with the different analytical, physical-chemical, mechanical techniques, digital technologies, new ICT tools, etc…
Measurements deriving from the large number of analytical methodologies and tools, molecular and elemental spectroscopic techniques, chemometrics, chemical reactivity and modeling, etc., nowadays available are of interest for the conference. Data on the impacts of natural and anthropogenic environmental stressors, the decaying pathways of the different materials in the surrounding environment, the development of new remediation processes as cleaning, consolidation, rehabilitation, etc., based on the chemical knowledge can be considered.»

All the information: 

Call for articles: Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal n16, deadline 31 Dec 2020

It is sought for for articles for the edition of a special issue of the Journal Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa.

The theme is something that we all value very much: MATERIALS OF HISTORIC VALUE. In this case the issue is specifically about MATERIALS WITH HISTORIC INTEREST THAT CONSTRUCT THE BUILT HERITAGE: CORRELATIONS, USES, LANDSCAPES.

Although the title of the Journal is a bit misleading, the articles are meant to be international (in Portuguese, Spanish, English or French) and regarding materials all over the world.

Lime, gypsum, earth, cement, wood, ceramic tiles, pigments and paints, etc. are well within the scope, while used as heritage materials and considering in their human environment and influences.

The articles will be subjected to blind peer review.

Attached are the PT, ES and EN versions for help with dissemination.

Further information



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