Innnova Concrete School 8-10 November

Innnova Concrete School 8-10 November

The Innova Concrete School has the aim of contributing to the professional development of high-degree students, young researchers and restorers, giving information about the novelties in the field of nanomaterials for cultural heritage conservation and preservation of 20th Century cultural heritage made of concrete. The school will offer keynote lectures and presentation from high level professionals and researchers; moreover, it will be possible to participate to an interactive exhibition space to deepen the InnovaConcrete results and research activities.

Aimed at:

  • PhD Stundents.
  • Master Graduate Students.
  • Early Stage Researchers.
  • Restorers.
  • Architects and Engineers.

Take a glimpse at the programme:

Participate to the InnovaConcrete School, you could win a trip to Cádiz for the Final Workshop!

Access the full agenda here:

Day 1 – November 8th.

Day 2 – November 9th.

Day 3 – November 10th.


All the information:

Check Innova Concrete project at Research Gate



Os presentamos el siguiente workshop del proyecto europeo InnovaConcrete en el que participan miembros de nuestra Plataforma.

Teniendo como escenario el impresionante Fuerte de Kaunas (Lituania), el proyecto InnovaConcrete organiza un Workshop internacional de título MONUMENTOS y NO MONUMENTOS: PATRIMONIO EN HORMIGÓN DE LA POSTGUERRA. Organizado por Gunny Harboe como presidente del ICOMOSISC20C, está concebido como un espacio de discusión sobre si estructuras de hormigón de diferentes tipos, usos y funcionalidades, han de ser legadas a futuras generaciones como una parte importante de nuestra historia. Representantes de distintos Monumento Europeos seleccionados por InnovaConcrete como objetos de estudio serán ponentes en dicho Workshop. Juan Queipo de Llano y Elena Frías serán ponentes reivindicando el valor patrimonial de la obra en hormigón de Eduardo Torroja y del IETcc como edificio patrimonial.

Fecha: 11 y 12 de Junio de 2021.

About the Workshop.

From the project webpage. Link.

Formidable solids of exposed concrete and monotonous, utilitarian shapes of social housing have become one of the most recognizable and universal elements of post-war architectural language. Regardless of the different political systems, geographic conditions or local aesthetic traditions an architectural style now commonly referred to as “brutalism” (derived from the  French “béton brut” or “raw concrete”) became a dominant expression of our shared architectural  heritage and an inseparable part of many cities around the world.

In Eastern European countries la rge – scale mikrora yons vividly embody the pragmatic dimension of the socialism project. On the other hand, there was a striking part of Soviet modernism that was demonstratively irrational, focused not on a standardized function, but on a breath-taking e motion. A similar duality appeared in Western societies.

Despite specific aesthetic values many of these buildings are seen by some as not fitting into the contemporary context. Even though the rising interest around the architecture of brutalism is growing, these monuments and buildings are too often being demolished, unrecognizably altered or simply left to deteriorate. ICOMOS ISC20C initiates this lnnovaConcrete workshop as a field for debate whether these structures/monuments, apartment buildings or other functional types can and should remain for future generations as a relevant part of our history.
