4th – 8th July – CHEMCH – 6th International Congress Chemistry for Cultural Heritage 2022

4th – 8th July – CHEMCH – 6th International Congress Chemistry for Cultural Heritage 2022


Announcement and agenda here.

All the information.


ALMA MATER STUDIORUM – University of Bologna, Ravenna
Palazzo dei Congressi, 48121 Ravenna (ITALY)
and ONLINE: (online platform to be defined)

4-8 July 2022


The 6TH International Congress on Chemistry for Cultural Heritage, organized by the University of Bologna – Microchemistry and Microscopy Art Diagnostic Laboratory (M2ADL) in collaboration with the Italian Chemical Society (SCI) and its Division of Environmental and Cultural Heritage Chemistry, is particularly aimed at providing an international platform for presentation and discussion on all the above mentioned issue.


ChemCH 2020 topics

  • Chemical imaging and spectral imaging
  • Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials for diagnostics, conservation and restoration
  • Sustainable materials and methods for conservation and restoration
  • Development of non-invasive / microinvasive analytical methods for artworks
  • Alteration phenomena: chemical interaction of environment and artworks
  • Data processing and chemometrics for cultural heritage investigations
  • Self-boundaries for safe analysis
  • Multi and transdisciplinary studies of cultural heritage
  • Chemical aspects of biological alteration phenomena
  • Environmental chemistry aspects in heritage conservation

• Session 1: Advanced diagnostic techniques applied to cultural heritage (Chemical
imaging, Development of non-invasive / microinvasive analytical methods for

Dr. Costanza Miliani, Director of the CNR institute of Heritage Science, Naples (IT)

• Session 2: Data processing for cultural heritage investigations (Big data,
Chemometrics, Artificial intelligence)

Prof. Haida Liang, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham (UK)

• Session 3: New materials and methods for the conservation of cultural heritage
(Sustainable materials and methods for conservation and restoration)

Prof. Giuseppe Lazzara, Department of Physics and Chemistry, University of Palermo (IT)

• Session 4: Interaction and degradation of cultural heritage and Preventive
Conservation (Alteration phenomena: chemical interaction of environment and
artworks, Chemical aspects of biological alteration phenomena, Environmental
chemistry aspects in heritage conservation)

Prof. Matija Strlic, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana (SLO)

• Session 5: Relevant case studies (Multi and transdisciplinary studies of cultural

Prof. Katrien Keune, University of Amsterdam, Conservation & Science Department of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (NL)



Call for Papers for Special Issue of Heritage – “Study and Characterization of Paintings: Materials, Artistic Techniques, and Conservation”

Open Access and Free of Charge on Special Issue «Study and Characterization of Paintings: Materials, Artistic Techniques, and Conservation».


The editors of Heritage have decided to waive the fee for all papers submitted from 1st June to 31st August 2021 a good chance to contribute a paper to the Special Issue “Study and Characterization of Paintings: Materials, Artistic Techniques, and Conservation”.

This Special Issue aims to show a wide selection of contributions in the study of paintings as well as recent points of view to promote a greater understanding of the inherent complexity of paintings and stimulate innovative questions and discussions on this topic.

Multidisciplinary collaborative studies and review manuscripts are welcome. This includes different approaches to studying painting across a different combinations of artistic techniques, restoration practices, and material characterization, including both case studies and mock-ups. Also manuscripts on the following selected topics are welcomed:

  • The characterization, degradation, and restoration of painting supports such as wood, canvas, paper, parchment, plaster, and pottery.
  • The stratigraphy of painted artworks, artistic techniques, and restoration issues, and new techniques of analysis.
  • Degradation processes and the conservation of natural and synthetic organic binders, and their interaction with pigment particles.
  • Restoration issues, including varnishing and cleaning practices in paintings. Additionally, the history of, experimentation with, and evaluation of restoration products, as well as new perspectives of study.
  • Study of moisture and temperature in indoor and semiconfined environments for the collection care of paintings.
  • Ancient recipes and restoration practices and their impact on painting conservation.
  • Art history and materials science in studying the style and masterpieces of artists, artistic currents, and movements.

From Guest Editors:

Dr. Valeria Di Tullio
Dr. Brenda Doherty


Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 December 2021.

Information extracted from here: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/heritage/special_issues/Paintings_Materials 

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