Call for papers: Annual Conference of the Swiss Association for Art Conservation and Restoration (SKR/SCR), deadline 10th October

Call for papers: Annual Conference of the Swiss Association for Art Conservation and Restoration (SKR/SCR), deadline 10th October

In our profession, we frequently work with objects that have a home in complicated settings. Finding the perfect solution for a sustainable result is rarely possible, and we have the additional challenge of finding ways – quite often compromises – to safeguard the cultural artefacts in our care while also meeting the demands of various interest groups.

Examples can be found in every area of our profession: museums with tight budgets and space constraints must find an overarching solution for individual objects in very heterogeneous collections; important decorative friezes on buildings are exposed to unfavourable physical conditions; the need to find object-friendly solutions under time pressure (e.g. after a disaster or in the case of archaeological rescue operations).

We invite you to present how you found your way out of this kind of dilemma.

SCR is dedicating its 2021 conference to this topic, with the aim of shedding light on the various issues from a wide range of perspectives. For the event, we are seeking speakers (conservators and restorers, archaeologists, art historians, cultural heritage conservators, architects) with experience in the complexities of this topic to present examples from their professional life. The talks may be theoretical or practical in nature.

The conference takes place in Zurich on 26–27 March 2020.

The presentations may be held in Italian, French, German or English. No simultaneous interpreting service is planned. The abstracts of the presentations will be published in the conference catalogue in the original language and in an English translation. There are no plans to otherwise publish the individual talks.

The presentations are limited to a duration of 20 minutes. We invite you to send an abstract of up to one page by 10.10.2020 to:

Further information