E. Munch Museum – Online seminar: «Model samples and modern reference materials collections – their use in conservation research».

E. Munch Museum – Online seminar: «Model samples and modern reference materials collections – their use in conservation research».

Categoría: Noticias

The online seminar “Model samples and modern reference materials collections – their use in conservation research” presented by the MUNCH museum in Oslo will be on 15th February 2022, 15.30h GMT+1.

The seminar is part of MUNCH shares (Deling Forum), a series of online presentations in the field of art history, conservation and museology given by specialists of these areas.

Irina Sandu, Conservation Scientist of Munch Museum in Oslo and co-PI of the research project will moderate the seminar. The four lecturers (Petra Pettersen, Erika Sandbakken, Ana Margarida Cardoso and Sara Valadas) will answer questions about the use of model samples and original artist materials for research in painting conservation. A special focus will be brought to the crayons collection from Munch museum.

The platform used for the seminar will be microsoft TEAMS and you can access it through this link.

This round table is part of the dissemination actions of a 3-year research project developed as joint-venture between the Conservation team of the Museum and a group of scientists from Hercules Centre of Evora University in Portugal. All the information about this heritage science project is here: http://www.hercules.uevora.pt/THE_SCREAM/

Also a three days conference on heritage science focused on E. Munch will be hosted too in Munch Museum in Oslo from the 22-25 of march.

This seminar have the name «UNDERSTANDING MUNCH AND

All the information about 22-25 march seminar.

There is also a newsletter in English, you may be interested in suscribe in:

Suscribe to the Newsletter.

By accepting this invitation to the seminar you are also confirming that you are willing to receive future invitations to online events organized by MUNCH.

The seminar will be recorded. We hope it is of your interest.