Gordon Research Conference: Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research. Integrating Multidisciplinary Approaches for Deeper Characterization, Interpretation and Preservation of Heritage.

Gordon Research Conference: Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research. Integrating Multidisciplinary Approaches for Deeper Characterization, Interpretation and Preservation of Heritage.

Next July 10th to 15th of 2022 a really interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary scientific conference on heritage science will take place at Switzerland. It is organized by the Gordon Research Conference.

«The conference, open to researchers from all fields of heritage sciences, will highlight exceptional advances in methodologies and applications, which impact the interpretation, conservation and the fundamental knowledge of global material culture.»

Preliminary program is still being developed but the sessions will cover the next topics:

  • Keynote Session: Insights and Visions Connecting Cultural Heritage Research
  • Artistic and Conservation Practice-Driven Material Study
  • Computational Advances Driving New Interpretations
  • Study of Ancient and Historical Biological Materials
  • Heritage Material Systems from Nanometric to Macroscopic Scales
  • Safer Experimental Conditions for Heritage Studies
  • Engineering and Materials Sciences in Cultural Heritage Research
  • Novel Materials Inspired by Ancient Materials and Practices
  • Keynote Session: Future Frontiers for Heritage Research by Strengthening Collaboration Between the Humanities and Science

Applications for this meeting must be submitted by June 12, 2022 but early oversuscription must be considered if you are interested.

The conference will be held at Les Diablerets Conference Center, Eurotel Victoria, Les Diablerets, Switzerland.

More updated information and applications here: https://www.grc.org/scientific-methods-in-cultural-heritage-research-conference/2022/

In conjuntion to this conferences, the will be held this seminars called «Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research (GRS)» by Gordon Research Seminar.

This seminar in Heritage Science Research is more focused on  graduate students, post-docs, and other young research scientists to present and exchange cutting edge research solutions for problems related to the preservation of global Cultural Heritage.

Both can be attended but you need to follow a different application process.

It will be held the 9th and 10th of July on the same place, Les Diablerets Conference Center, Eurotel Victoria, Les Diablerets, Switzerland.

Members of PTI-PAIS and IPERION HS will have representation there.