7th Venice International School on Lasers in Materials Science SLIMS 2022. 3-9 July 2022

7th Venice International School on Lasers in Materials Science SLIMS 2022. 3-9 July 2022

PTI-PAIS will participate on the the 7th Venice International School on Lasers in Materials Science, SLIMS 2022.

After 1 year postponed, the international school will have place from 3th to 9th of July, 2022 in the exceptional San Servolo Island, Venice.

 San Servolo (Venice) from the air. Author and source: Chris 73 / Wikimedia Commons.
San Servolo (Venice) from the air. Author and source: Chris 73 / Wikimedia Commons.

The school aims at educating doctorate students in the principles of laser-surface interactions, along with bringing students up-to-date with current state-of-the art in laser materials processing.

The School is addressed at PhD students and young research scientists working in the field of laser-materials interactions. Marta Castillejo, coordinator of PTI PAIS will be lecturing there. 

Know the rest of the lecturers here.

Registration, the deadline for paying the School fee is June 1, 2022.

All the information about SLIMS 2022: https://www.slims.polimi.it/


Jean-Pol GRANDMONT - Own work Les îles de San Servolo et du Lido dans la lagune de Venise et le Golfe de Venise (Italie).