Call for abstracts for the international conference «LACONA XIII – Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks», 14-18th September 2020 (Florence)

Call for abstracts for the international conference «LACONA XIII – Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks», 14-18th September 2020 (Florence)


LACONA XIII “Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks” is the International Conference on advances in photonic techniques for diagnostics and conservation-restoration of Cultural Heritage.

This year, LACONA XIII includes two closely related initiatives:

  • Workshop “Photonics for Diagnostics and Conservation of Cultural Heritage”, which will take place in the CNR Area of Sesto Fiorentino (Florence), Italy, on September 14th , 2020, and
  • Conference, which will be held in Florence, at the Auditorium of Santa Apollonia, 15-18th September 2020.

Participants can register to one or both initiatives. Deadline for abstract submissions April 20th, 2020

Works presented at the Conference, as poster or oral presentation, can be submitted for publication in a Virtual Special Issue of Journal of Cultural Heritage or in an associated Book of Proceedings. Submitted manuscripts will undergo the usual peer-review process.

Researchers, technologists, conservators and restorers are warmly invited to submit their abstracts on photonic techniques for diagnostics, restoration-conservation and related best practices.

For more information, registration, and submission: and FLYER