1st June – IPERION Webinar #03 – MOLAB: (MObile LABoratory) & Islamic Manuscripts

The webinar takes place online and will introduce participants to the MOLAB platform.

Registration: http://www.iperionhs.eu/webinar-3-registration/

The MOLAB (MObile LABoratory) is the IPERION HS platform that provides access for the Heritage Science (HS) community to key mobile laboratories and to the associated scientific expertise. It is composed of a set of mobile equipment and related competencies, for in-situ non-destructive measurements of artworks, collections, monuments, and sites made available for access through IPERION-HS. The value of MOLAB is twofold: first, the possibility of applying a multi-technique integrated approach that overcomes the intrinsic limitation of individual methods; second, the ability to analyse heritage objects without the need to move them. MOLAB started in 2004 with only two providers and now features 17 facilities across 10 countries offering access to 48 different instruments. The new MOLAB platform within IPERIONHS includes mobile laboratories with competencies in-ground and aerial remote sensing as a key to enable interdisciplinary research in new fields and application scenarios.

Kristine Rose-Beers, Head of Conservation at the Chester Beatty in Dublin (Ireland) will talk about “Manuscript materiality and MOLAB: investigating the Islamic book at the Chester Beatty”. The presentation will offer a user’s perspective on working with the IPERION HS MOLAB team at the Chester Beatty in Dublin. Two projects have used the portable and non-invasive analytical techniques provided by MOLAB to investigate the materials of Qur’an manuscripts and advance understanding of Islamic manuscript material. Both projects were driven by the conservation team, and have required multidisciplinary collaboration including conservators, historians, and scientists. The results from these projects have added considerable new information to our understanding of these manuscripts: in particular, Islamic manuscript materiality in the early 8th century and the palette of a mid-16th century Qur’an from Shiraz. David Buti, responsible for MOLAB Helpdesk at CNR (Italy), will present “MOLAB: Bringing science to heritage objects of research“. His presentation will give an overview of the MOLAB history and the current offer of services; it will also focus on the lifecycle of MOLAB proposals and projects, from the user support to the physical access.

1st June 2021 at 3 pm CEST

You will learn

  • What MOLAB is
  • How to access MOLAB
  • How MOLAB can improve your research

Key topics we’ll cover
Heritage Science and Mobile Laboratories

1 hour (40 minutes + 20 minutes Q&A)


Kristine Rose-Beers
Kristine Rose-Beers ACR is Head of Conservation at the Chester Beatty Library and an accredited member of the Institute of Conservation. She specialises in the conservation of Islamic manuscript material, with a particular interest in the importance of materiality and codicology to contemporary conservation solutions.
Kristine graduated from Camberwell College of Arts in 2002 and has worked at Cambridge University Library, the Chester Beatty, and as Assistant Keeper (Manuscripts and Printed Books) at the Fitzwilliam Museum, before returning to Dublin in 2015. Kristine has taught and lectured internationally and is a member of The Islamic Manuscript Association and the Kairouan Manuscript Project.

David Buti.
David Buti is a researcher fellow at the Institute of Heritage Science (ISPC) of the Italian National Research Council, Italy. He oversees the User Helpdesk of the Transnational Access Activities of IPERION-HS and he is access manager of the MOLAB platform within the Italian node of ERIHS. He obtained a PhD in Conservation Science at the University of Florence, in collaboration with the CNR-ISTM and the Centre SMAArt. His PhD research focused on the investigation of Mesoamerican manuscripts and their constituent materials. After his PhD, he got a six-year position as a conservation scientist at the National Gallery of Denmark – Center for Art Technological Studies and Conservation (CATS) expanding his competencies and investigating several kinds of artworks – from old masters to contemporary art – characterizing artist materials, understanding degradation processes and assisting conservators and art historians.




Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage – 2021 International Conference (Milano-Italy) 20-22 October

We present you the International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage that will be in Milano, Italy, October 20-22, 2021.

Get the updated program.

Extended submission deadline for papers: May 31th, 2021.


  • Methodologies and measurements for diagnostics and conservation;
  • Geomatics for Cultural Heritage research and management;
  • Non-destructive techniques for archaeological diagnostics;
  • 3D recording and modelling for Cultural Heritage;
  • Metrology in landscape archaeology;
  • Metrological approaches to the study of written Heritage;
  • Metrological approaches in architecture and visual arts;
  • Bioarchaeology and palaeodiet measurements;
  • Archaeometry;
  • Archaeozoology;
  • Archaeobotany;
  • Metrological analyses of raw materials;
  • Computer science and 3D survey;
  • Metadata and digital management in archaeology;
  • Ancient scientific instruments.


«The word metrology has a long tradition, deriving from the Greek word for measure. The knowledge about anything is complete only when it can be expressed in numbers and something is known about it. Measurements play a fundamental role in every field of investigation and present day scientific and technological progress has resulted from progress in the field of measurements.
Metrology, the science of measurements, includes all aspects both theoretical and practical with reference to measurements, whatever their uncertainty, and in whatever fields of science or technology they occur. Consequently the field of valorisation, characterisation and preservation of Cultural Heritage too is deeply related to the metrological issues for the collection, interpretation and validation of data collected with the different analytical, physical-chemical, mechanical techniques, digital technologies, new ICT tools, etc…
Measurements deriving from the large number of analytical methodologies and tools, molecular and elemental spectroscopic techniques, chemometrics, chemical reactivity and modeling, etc., nowadays available are of interest for the conference. Data on the impacts of natural and anthropogenic environmental stressors, the decaying pathways of the different materials in the surrounding environment, the development of new remediation processes as cleaning, consolidation, rehabilitation, etc., based on the chemical knowledge can be considered.»

All the information:


Discovering Light: Fun Experiments with Optics – (OSAF & CSIC)

Anunciamos la publicación del libro Discovering Light: Fun Experiments with Optics, coeditado junto con SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, the Optical Society Foundation (OSAF), y el  Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), coincidiendo con el IDL2021.

Este libro, escrito por un equipo de jóvenes científicos españoles, y con prólogo de la Prof. MJ Yzuel, pretende dar respuesta a preguntas como ¿Qué es la luz? ¿Qué hay detrás de sus diferentes manifestaciones? ¿Qué es un instrumento óptico? ¿En qué se parece el ojo a un instrumento óptico? ¿Cómo explicamos la visión humana? ¿En qué se basan las tecnologías ópticas que utilizamos cada día? ¿Dónde está la óptica en la naturaleza? Es una propuesta divulgativa, dirigida al público general, pero con especial énfasis en los estudiantes de todos los niveles de Educación Secundaria, presenta una amplia variedad de experimentos relacionados con los distintos fenómenos e instrumentos ópticos, en el que se exponen con claridad los pasos a seguir. Todos ellos vienen precedidos de la explicación de los conceptos necesarios para su realización e interpretación, y acompañados de numerosas ilustraciones y curiosidades. Este libro es la edición en Inglés del libro Descubriendo la luz (CSIC-Catarata, 2018).

Esperamos que sirva como herramienta para ampliar el conocimiento de la Óptica y la Fotónica entre el público general, y, en especial, los estudiantes más jóvenes.

Queremos agradecer especialmente el apoyo de la Prof. MJ Yzuel como promotora de esta coedición en inglés con SPIE, OSA y CSIC.

El libro está disponible en abierto: open access, downloadable eBook via the SPIE Digital Library.

Download link: https://doi.org/10.1117/3.2579764 (acumula casi 2000 descargas en 24hrs). La versión impresa estará disponible a mediados de junio

Programme online for IPERION HS 1st Doctoral Summer School 13-16 July 2021


The announced IPERION HS Doctoral Summer School has released a draft  programme. Some members of PTI-PAIS will participate. Emilio Cano (CENIM)  will present his paper «In-situ electrochemical impedance spectroscopy for the study of metallic cultural heritage».

Download here the pdf of the programme.

An updated version will be released in June 2021.

Related news: https://pti-pais.csic.es/doctorate-summers-school-iperionhs-heritagescience/ 

IPERION HS 1st DSS – Programme online


Curso: Aplicación de Nanomateriales en Conservación y Restauración del Patrimonio. Nuevas perspectivas.

Los miembros del Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón y de nuestra Plataforma, Scott Mitchell (Científico Titular CSIC) y Andrés Seral Ascaso, (Investigador MSCA-IF) acaban de lanzar el curso de verano “Nuevas perspectivas en la aplicación de nanomateriales en conservación y restauración de patrimonio” que tendrá lugar en Albarracín (Teruel) del 5 al 8 de Julio de 2021.

El lugar de celebración será el Palacio de Reuniones y Congresos de la Fundación Santa María de Albarracín.

El curso está dirigido a estudiantes, investigadores, conservadores, restauradores, personal de museo, profesionales de patrimonio cultural, y público en general.

Gracias a la Fundación General CSIC, se ofrecen 10 becas de asistencia para cubrir la inscripción al curso.

Además, los asistentes tendrán la oportunidad de dar a conocer su trabajo mediante la realización de breves presentaciones (Presentaciones Flash de 10 min). Además, se realizará una mesa redonda donde se abordarán los retos para adaptar los nuevos tratamientos a las demandas tecnológicas y medioambientales actuales.

Estamos muy contentos con la calidad de los ponentes y el lugar de celebración del curso. Estamos seguros de que serán unas jornadas muy formativas e interactivas.

Conoce el programa, todos los ponentes y matricúlate en: https://cursosextraordinarios.unizar.es/curso/2021/nuevas-perspectivas-en-la-aplicacion-de-nanomateriales-en-conservacion-y-restauracion-de 

4th May – IPERION Webinar #02 – FIXLAB: Key Fixed Research facilities Access.

The second webinar will take place online on May 4, 2021, at 3 pm CET. Ina Reiche and Rémi Petitcol will present FIXLAB: research on ivory, followed by hints and tips on FIXLAB access.

FIXLAB is the IPERION HS platform that provides access for the Heritage Science (HS) community to key fixed research facilities and to the associated scientific expertise.
Access is offered to researchers in Heritage Science to help address the major questions raised by the materiality of Heritage Science artefacts in terms of their genesis, manufacturing processes, alterations, conservation and preservation. The unique FIXLAB services offered to the HS community embrace advanced state‐of‐the‐art instrumentation; dedicated facilities with teams of experts in the field of micro‐analysis of HS artefacts; novel developments resulting from IPERION HS joint research activities to improve access progressively; development of both new sample‐positioning devices at a micro‐scale and software tools for the integration of imaging data.

Ina Reiche, research director at the French National Research Centre, will present the topic “Palaeolithic ivory artefacts investigated by particle physics”, while Rémi Petitcol, European Policy Officer at the French Center for Research and Restoration of Museums of France (C2RMF), will talk about “FIXLAB: a catalyst for Heritage Science”.

You can register here: http://www.iperionhs.eu/webinar-2-registration/ 

4th May 2021 at 3 pm (CET)

You will learn

  • What FIXLAB is
  • How to access Transnational Access to FIXLAB
  • Hints and tips on using FIXLAB
  • How FIXLAB can improve your research
  • A positive experience on FIXLAB: A research on ivory from Ina Reiche: “Palaeolithic ivory artefacts investigated by particle physics».

1 hour (40 minutes + 20 minutes Q&A)

Key topics we’ll cover
Heritage Science and Fixed Laboratories


Ina Reiche
Ina Reiche is research director at the French National Research Centre in a joint team of the Research Institute of the Paris’ Technical Institute of Chemistry and the Centre for research and restoration of the French Museums in Paris. Her interdisciplinary research background is in analytical chemistry, material sciences, art and prehistory. Since her position as the head of the Rathgen research laboratory between 2014 and 2019 CNRS she is actively involved in the research infrastructures IPERION-CH, IPERION-HS and E-RIHS and a current user of large scale facilities in the framework of the FIXLAB access to perform integrated research in heritage sciences. She is managing editor of the international journal Archaeometry (Wiley), board member of the German Archaeometry Association and of the French National Archaeometry research network as well as the president of the international scientific committee of the conference Synchrotron radiation in art and archaeology.

Rémi Petitcol
Rémi Petitcol is a European Policy Officer at the French Center for Research and Restoration of Museums of France (C2RMF), with a background in Political Science and EU Law. He specializes in solutions for the integration of the Heritage Science community, with a focus on establishing E-RIHS. His role in IPERION HS is to provide legal and institutional advice on policies, including the Access Policy.

Registration here.


Call for abstracts for Young Professionals Forum on the 1-2 July.

The Young Professionals Forum proposes a new moment of sharing and exchange, to stimulate synergies among professionals at the international level.

Organized by the Centro Conservazione e Restauro “La Venaria Reale” (CCR), the Young Professionals Forum is once again a digital event designed to create new synergies, share research, experiences and ideas, and meet with leading international specialists in the field of cultural heritage conservation. This year, it will take place on 1-2 July and will involve international young professionals working in the field of conservation, art history and diagnostics applied to cultural heritage. The Forum will consist of two intense days of presentations organised in 4 sessions, each one dedicated to a crucial topic for the conservation and transmission of cultural heritage.

The call for abstracts

The different sessions, organised in collaboration with internationally renowned research institutions (IIC, CNR ISPC, ICOM, ICCROM and UniTo), will host a series of papers selected through the call for abstracts. The selected candidates will have the opportunity to present their contribution and publish it in the Forum Proceedings. 

There will also be a winner among the candidates who will have the opportunity to gain professional experience at the CCR.
The deadline for the call for abstracts is May  9, 2021.


To join the Forum, submit an abstract (consisting of no more than 700 words and 4 pictures – max 200 dpi) of your paper via Google Forms.

Registration for participation in the event is open

All information can also be found on the web page dedicated to the Forum on the CCR website: https://www.centrorestaurovenaria.it/young-professionals-forum-2021

Registration fees to the event:
• Early-bird (from 15thApril 2021 to 9th May 2021), students, participants to the call for abstracts and ICOM members: 35 euros.
• Full price: 50 euros.
Participation in the call for abstracts is free of charge.


The Young Professionals Community

Another important initiative that started in February is the Young Professionals Community. A very wide network of young professionals in the field of Cultural Heritage gathered around the Forum and, eager to enhance this valuable resource, the CCR decided to create a digital hub (closed group LinkedIn) where all the participants in the Forum can get to know each other and exchange ideas and perspectives. There will also be a series of training and deepening moments created ad hoc for community members.

To join the community follow the instructions here: https://www.centrorestaurovenaria.it/young-professionals-community

Text extracted from: IPERION HS.eu

New materials for the conservation of cultural heritage in concrete 23-24 April 2021


WHEN: April 23-24, 2021.

WHERE: Online.

The Italian/English and English/Italian translation will be available.

The Workshop is address to: 

  • Conservation Professionals.
  • Professional Councils.
  • Students of Universities.
  • Specialty Craftsman and Restorers in Concrete Heritage.
  • Public Administrations.
  • Researchers working in Cultural Heritage conservation.
  • Conservation products manufacturers.


  • certificate of participation will be issued at the end of the webinar.
  • Credits for the Order of Engineers will be granted only to members of the Province of Chieti.

19-23 April – IPERION HS – 1st Anual Meeting

The first annual meeting of IPERION HS is finnaly here.

The presentantions and workshops of the eight work packages while take place during all this week, from the 19th to the 23rd. There is also a public webinar the April 21st. You can learn more about the public webinar of HS Academy here:

Don’t forget to register yourself:
You can register here: http://www.iperionhs.eu/webinar-registration/ «

I hope it is of your interest.



Related content:

Webinar: What is IPERION HS

21st April – IPERION and E-RIHS Webinar – Know the program on Heritage Science

Doctorate Summer School on Heritage Science – Registration Open

The 1st HS-DSS (Heritage Science Doctorate Summer School) will be held virtually from 13 July to 16 July 2021. It is aimed at providing examples of excellence in Heritage Science for conservation and collection care research and access. The HS-DSS will be taught online ( all sessions will be conducted in English) and comprise four intensive days of lectures and virtual study visits, during which participants will become acquainted with the multidisciplinary skills of the IPERION HS consortium and knowledge accumulated by the partners.

The registration has just recently opened.

For further information and the registration please, visit:

IPERION HS – Information and registration